15. Welcome

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In Shadows

Chapter Fifteen


"Aomine-kun! There you are!"

Gina whipped around as a pink-haired figure stormed toward them, arms folded over her chest and her face set into a scowl. The girl glared pointedly at Touou's ace, so focused on him that she didn't notice anyone else nearby. "Everyone's been looking for you!" Momoi huffed.

Gina bit her lip to stifle laughter. "Momoi!" she greeted brightly, once she'd calmed down.

Momoi spun around, and the frown vanished from her face almost instantly. If was replaced by the wide grin Momoi reserved only for her friends. "Gina-chan! And Tetsu-kun, Kagami-kun!"

"Hello, Momoi-san."

Momoi smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I wish I could stay and chat, but the team wants to go." She wheeled around to face Aomine again. "Come on, Aomine-kun." Momoi grabbed the arm of her childhood best friend and tried to drag him after her. Aomine barley resisted, and let Momoi lead him outside to his team.

Gina was grinning from ear to ear. "I'll call you later!" she yelled, waving.

"Okay! See you later Gina-chan, Tetsu-kun!"


As they disappeared down the corridor, Gina could pick out the two arguing. Their voices soon started to die away. Gina chuckled as she watched them. She could barely recall a moment when those two weren't arguing over one ridiculous thing or another. Despite that, they had one of the closest bonds Gina had ever seen. She wondered if those two realised just how important they were to the other.

"Ah, there you three are! How's Kuroko?"

Gina turned around and saw the entire of Seirin approaching them.

"I'm feeling better," Kuroko said, much to the relief of everyone else.

Riko grinned. "Right, are we ready to go?"

Gina frowned. "Go where?"

"You haven't guessed?" Kagami pulled her to his side; Gina squeaked as she was caught momentarily off-balance. "We still haven't celebrated you becoming manager yet!"

Gina blinked. "Wait, what? We're celebrating?"

 No one's ever done anything like this before. Every time I joined a club it was the usual welcome and then straight off to training!

Kiyoshi smiled. "We're going out for dinner tonight, to celebrate you joining the team!"

"Oh..." Gina felt a rush of blood to her face. "I - I wasn't expecting this. Thank you."

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