33. Celebrations

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In Shadows
Chapter Thirty-Three

The score was still settling in her brain - 105-106 to Seirin, but she knew they'd won. A scream ripped from Gina's throat and she launched herself from the bench was running on to the court, tears blurring her vision. Soon she was encompassed by her fellow Seirin teammates, all of them cheering and crying. She passed through everyone - she was almost strangled in a tight hug by Izuki, clapped on the back by Hyuga, lifted by Kiyoshi, hugged by everyone; their faces blurred together as they jumped on each other and shouted and laughed and cried, the joy of victory overwhelmed them all. Gina like she could leap over the moon, she was so incredibly happy.

But there were two people that stood out, two people she wanted to see. With a cry she spotted Kuroko and Kagami, shouting their joy to the heavens. She pushed her way over to them and was met by Kagami first; her red-haired best friend pulled her into a bone-crushing hug and she held him back, unable to properly make out what he was yelling as it mixed in with the other shouts of celebration.

And then she found herself facing Kuroko, and more a moment they just stood there and smiled at each other. Then Gina launched herself at him, flinging her arms around his neck, almost causing the both of them to collapse to the ground. "You did it! You did it!" she screamed at the tops of her lungs, her voice strangled by tears.

Then his arms were around her, holding her tightly back, and tears were in his eyes but he was smiles to the widest, most real smile Gina had ever seen. Their lips met, and Gina didn't care that hundreds of people may be watching them right now; she just cared that she was with Kuroko and they were both elated beyond words. Somehow they spun around, drunk on their euphoria, never wanting this to end, wanting to remain captivated in this moment of pure, true joy for always.

When the separated, they remained close, the smiles still on their faces and cheeks flushed with joy.

And then someone was approaching, and they turned to see Akashi, his red eyes starting to show signs of tears as he held out his hand toward Kuroko.

"It was your - no, your team's win," he said with a smile, his voice shaky with unshed tears. "Congratulations. But prepare yourselves. Next time, we will surely be the victors."

By now all of Seirin had gathered around them, watching the scene unfold. There wasn't even the slightest hesitation as Kuroko stepped forward, his hand clasping that of his former captain, his former teammate.

"Yes," he agreed, the brightest of smiles on his face. "Let's play again. Next time, the time after that..." His other hand reached out and embraced Akashi's, and Gina felt like crying all over again, knowing just how important this was to Kuroko after everything that happened at Teiko, how happy he must be to have his friend back. "Many times over."

They would've stayed there for longer, if they didn't have the presentation to attend. And Gina was standing right there with them when they received gold, everyone wearing a gold medal around their necks, and some of them holding gold trophies. 

When it was time for the photo they huddled together, still smiling so widely like they'd been doing for almost half an hour now. Gina's cheeks were aching but she couldn't care less; all she cared about was this team, their victory, and the happiness they were all drowning in.

It was a moment she wanted to freeze in time and imprint on her memory forever.

She never, ever wanted to forget that day.

*          *          *

Their celebration dampened a little when they returned to the locker room, and Kiyoshi collapsed as his knee gave way. They'd won, but they'd done it at the cost of Kiyoshi; but he'd told them all he had no regrets. Alex entered and suggested that he should try surgery in America, and she could organise something when she returned. It was an offer they were seriously considering.

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