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In Shadows
On and Off the Court

It was funny to think that the Interhigh was already approaching again.

Well, for Gina, it would be her first Interhigh. Everyone else would be going through it again.

These past few months at Seirin had been among the best of her life. She loved walking into the gym everyday to be greeted instantly by Riko, watch Kagami continue to evolve leaps and bounds and hang out with him later, both of them teasing each other mercilessly. She (begrudgingly) loved to listen to Izuki tell another stupid pun she couldn't help but smile at and hear Hyuga yell at him to shut up straight afterwards. She loved laughing with Koganei and listening to him translate everything Mitobe wanted to say, settle in for a steady talk with Tsuchida, loved watching Furihata, Kawahara and Fukata continue to grow. She loved getting to know the new first years they'd scouted and watch as their potential was added to the team. Kiyoshi was in America receiving his treatment, but Gina and the others kept in contact often - they'd gotten accounts on social media so they could talk often, and Kiyoshi's rehab looked like it was going well, and he might even be able to return to them for the Winter Cup if things progressed the way they were. Gina had come to love hearing how Kiyoshi was doing, and keeping in contact would bring a smile to her face.

But most of all, she loved the way Kuroko would materialise beside her in practice with his soft smile, how she'd hold his hand or hug him or kiss him at random times during their practice. Everyone was used to it by now, and they'd receive teasing comments all the time, but Gina wouldn't have it any other way.

She'd truly come to fall in love with this team.

Her skills as a manager were growing; she hadn't had much time during the half month before the Winter Cup, but now they had ample time on their hands Riko was talking to her about statistics and analysing, and she was getting new skills under her belt. She sometimes missed practice sessions to go and scout future opponents, and that would cut down her time with the team, but she almost always got to make up for it with Kuroko later when they spent long nights just curled into each other, talking softly and watching movies and just basking in the other's company.

She might not be playing in an active sport anymore like she had in Australia, but she'd come to fall in life with her teammates, and come to love basketball as well. Coming in to the gym each day brought a smile to her face - even if she'd been having a terrible day beforehand, her team was always there to cheer her up, and Kuroko and Kagami would take her out to Maji Burger afterward.

Even Saki was coming closer to them; by some miracle, the four of them round up in the same class again for their second year of high school. They'd all chosen desks next to each other, and Saki was coming closer to Kuroko and Kagami. Their time was limited by Saki's long-hour cello practices, but whenever she performed she ensured to give the three of them tickets.

And it wasn't just Seirin Gina was growing closer to; thanks to Kuroko, Momoi, and Akane (with whom she was spending a lot more time with now - whenever Momoi organised a girls night, Akane was always there too, and Gina found herself growing closer to the other girl), she found herself meeting more and more with the other members of the Generaion of Miracles. They'd occasionally meet up, all of them from Teiko, and just hang out. It was hard, with Akashi in Kyoto and Murasakibara in Akita.

Gina found herself slipping easily into the mix. She'd discuss books with Akashi, who almost was almost accompanied by Akane (Everyone had celebrated like they'd all won a basketball tournament when those two finally sorted themselves out and got together - Gina wondered if that's how everyone else had felt when she and Kuroko finally became an item), laugh at Aomine and Momoi's constant bickering, talk fashion with Kise, indulge Midorima's constant horoscope talk, share some of Murasakibara's sweets - but that was on the rare occasion. Occasionally friends from other schools would join - Kagami would sometimes join them, as would Himuro and Takao.

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