Cracked 💔

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I'm cracked like concrete.
Broken. Scarred. Rough.
Imperfect and not worth it.
I'll never be "good enough"
Yet somehow I'm still used.
Used by the people I thought I could trust. I constantly put my trust into those that turn around and show their true colors. When will I ever learn.. sometimes the only person in the world you can trust, is yourself. I often wonder how my heart can still be in my chest. Hasn't it cracked into pieces yet? Then again, hearts aren't made from glass. I guess that's a good thing.. I don't think I'll ever understand why I was born. Nobody wanted me anyways. And it's not like I asked to be given life. Im not ungrateful. I'm just not alright. Does true *Love* really exist? Or is it just a dream/hallucination? Maybe we see and believe what we want to see and believe and not the realities. I can't see anything EXCEPT my reality. It's dark, freezing cold, and extremely scary. If I had 3 wishes right now, I know exactly what I'd wish for. Mainly, to have parents that love me, and to no longer feel this agonizing pain in my veins. I guess that's what's been filling up the cracks in this concrete heart of mine.. blood pain, and grime..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2024 ⏰

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