Eight years ago

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Eight years ago:
I'm standing in the doorway of my best friends lonely house,
Tears running down my face as she rips up her blouse.
I watch her take a butcher knife out of its velvet case,
And run it across her fragile skin making figure eights.
Little rivulets of blood drip down and seep into the carpeted ground.
I cant take the sound as she cuts parts of her hair,
The ripping sound of her jeans gives me quite a scare.
I run out the door and lay under a bush,
And cry and cry until I feel like i've turned into mush.
I fall asleep for hours and when I finally wake up,
I remember what had happened and then I think "oh fuck!"
I run back in tripping over mud,
And find her body in a pile of blood.
I scream and curse God for taking her from my life,
I hold her clothes as blood seeps through my clothes and pick up the dreaded knife.
I want to die so badly,
I mean how can life without her be all good and happy?
Then I think about my family,
And I think about my friend,
And I wonder if she'll want me to act important like she did before the end.
Now eight years from then,
I love her and I miss her but I know I wont be seeing her again.
I have to face reality,
and know she would want the best for me.
Finally I say goodbye to my beloved friend,
And to the time I stood in the doorway those long 8 years ago.

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