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So I was asked to write my personal definition of what happiness is.. For a while I couldn't come up with anything. Ive been having a rough time lately, but I did a lot of thinking today and I think I have a little bit to say on the topic. I remember when I used to cry and cry and write about how sick I am of hurting and how all I want is just to be happy. But the same person who asked me to write about this also brought up the possibility of how maybe I don't know what happiness is because I've never truly experienced it. That maybe I'm afraid of being happy. And to think about that well she's right. I think I am afraid of being happy. I have done my whole life searching for some non-existent thing that at the time, I thought would make me happy. Truthfully, definition of happiness, in my own personal opinion, is life itself. Although happiness to me is a choice just like the saying: you cant help someone if they aren't willing to accept it, you cant be happy if you don't allow it. I'm gotten used to being down and depressed and I think the idea of leaving my Comfort zone for success and happiness does scare me. It's unknown, and to me, unreal. But it's there. Being happy does exist. And I'm pretty sure that most of the world's population is looking to find their own personal happiness. But happiness can be found in so many different places. Happiness is the smile on your face when you blow out the candles on your birthday. Happiness is the comfort you feel when you have a loved one tightly. Happiness is the warm feeling you get when you snuggle into bed at night getting ready to fall asleep. Happiness is the delicious taste while eating a food item you enjoy. Happiness is the sunshine beaming down on your face after three days of rain. Happiness is life itself. It is a universal term. And no matter who you are, Or where you live, you can find it just about anywhere, as long as you allow it to enter your life. If you spend your whole life wishing to be happy, but never really look, or enjoy the little things, or even just allow the idea of being truly and genuinely happy to enter your life, mind, or thoughts, then most likely that wish will stay what it is: a wish. Happiness is so much more than I can even imagine. To be genuinely and truly happy is A blessing of which most people lack. But happiness exists. You just need to be willing to let go of your fears, and/or defiance and open up your mind to all of the possibilities. There are so many and life is precious. I've lost so many close friends the past seven months and it really has opened up my eyes. Life is always shorter than it seems. So that itself is a reason to be happy. I never really thought about all this until today. But it is so true. And even if you aren't happy, but you see someone else looking blue in the face, a simple smile can make their whole entire day better. And when I'm kind to others I almost always feel better myself. Anyways this was a private journal entry but I wanted to share with my Facebook friends. Thank you if you took the time to read this whole thing=]

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