But i am not gay 😭😭

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So RainbowDash was crying in corner big loudly and A.J. was like hey partner why you cry bruh and Rainbow was like I'm not gay and A.J. was like what???? Really???????? Super surprised sounds and Rainbow was like yeah I like men but Pinkie was like no you like women and you must kiss me now so then I had to kiss her but I don't like kiss her I only like kiss men like Spike then A.J. was like hey partner yee haw haw hay straw barns apples giddy up settle down lassy yee haw yee hawdy then Rainbow smiled and was like thank you pookie I knew you'd know how to cheer me up then heterosexual hug between two female horses super cute but not gay way awww how adorable me jealous frfr.

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