Wedding mwa 😘

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So there was day when Bowser was sad, and like he found sad girl name Marg but very sad she married to fat guy name Homer with kids of 3 so he cry all day. Then Twilight Sparkle came and told him dry his tears, then wow Bowser happy and ate Homer so could be happy with Marg. Then super cute kiss with Marg and then planned wedding invited many like Spongebob and other gay people like that and some like pops and that one bird that loves twilight sparkle and rat thing that follows him. So wow wedding day happen so cute so spongebomb and pops and Raingay dash and those other people they know came Hahahahaha wow so cooll so then vows wow I love you an youre that blue bush head. Aww how cute I love youre fat ass. Then kiss wow married so cute gonna die from sweet 😍😍😍😍

( I belong somewhere very dark for writing these.)

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