🧱🧱Bricks are hard 🧱🧱

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So like uh Spongebob and his friend with benefit Patrick were skipping super Gayly and like there were bricks on floor in JellyFish whatever the hell field it was called and so like they were like wow we spend so like what are these and so Patrick was like well uh probably for tempting Jellyfish and so Spongebob was like damn Pat you so right and so like they waved bricks around to try an attract jellyfish so but uh um, uhhhh.

Oh yeah none of the jellyfish came over so they were like wah wah so sad but then randomly Squidward was like what you autistic dumbasses doing then AHHHH Spongebob scared so he jump an dropped brick then owie Squidward foot was under brick then he turned into super ultra meany head alpha demon form and ate Spongebob and Patrick end is now.

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