Chapter 4

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"Oh dear, Miss Caitlin, please calm down. We've told Miss Annette several times to wear your clothes since you have many nice ones. But Miss Annette fancied your clothes and coveted them, didn't she?"

The nanny's words flowed smoothly with lies.

Now that the dinner with the Duke was over, the nanny had nothing to fear. She confidently lied to Caitlin, the real power in the house.

"Nanny, even if my sister is unreasonable, how could you? Haven't you worked in this mansion for just a day or two?"

"That's right, it's all the nanny's fault that Miss Annette acts so arrogantly."

While the two colluded, I changed into my indoor clothes.

The thin muslin undergarment fluttered in my hands.

Do you want it back? If you want it, take it.


With a grating sound of tearing fabric, Caitlin's muslin undergarment split into two pieces.

"Aaaah! What are you doing? My clothes!"

"You told me to take it off, right? I just did as you said. The way I take off the clothes is my choice."

"How could you tear someone else's clothes! Are you crazy?"

"Ah, I damaged the clothes I borrowed from you. I'll pay for it. That should settle it, right?"

"You, you!"

"Weren't you going to burn it anyway?"


"You always throw away things I've touched because they disgust you. I thought I'd take care of it first. Was my action too much?"

Caitlin looked like she was about to collapse, her face turning pale as she gasped for air. It was the first time Annette had fought back and shown such a strong reaction to her.

"I've been reading my old diaries lately, and there are a lot of interesting entries. There were quite a few 'borrowed items' from me in your possession, weren't there?"

"My, diary?"

"That muslin undergarment was nothing. If you were going to borrow something, at least get something nice. The maids, worried about your reaction, brought the oldest and most worn one."

If I hadn't been on the verge of missing the dinner with the Duke, I wouldn't have worn that torn muslin undergarment.

So, tearing it up wasn't a waste of resources. It was returning an old piece of clothing back to nature.

"The cost of one old muslin garment is something I can easily pay. But I'll need to reclaim the valuables you've borrowed without returning."

〈Sister, this crown is really pretty. Can I just wear it for a bit?〉

〈Sis, can I borrow some pocket money? You've been saving since you were little, you have a lot.〉

〈Sister, I want to wear your head dress to the tea party at the Marquis of Marin's tomorrow. It was passed down from our grandmother, right? I don't have such things, do I?〉

〈Sure, lend it to your sister. It's not like it's a stranger, why be so stingy?〉

Memories of Annette being bullied and my past life's experiences of being tormented by my new family flashed before me. Though this was a possessed body, the situation was familiar to me.

People who only approached as family when they needed something, worse than strangers.

Stepsisters who belittled me as a motherless child, closer than anyone else.

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