Chapter 11

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"Egrette, madam! It's unbelievable that she's coming here!"

Inkheart Mansion, the northern duchy.

Rose Temery, the youngest daughter of the Temery family, the most loyal vassals of Inkheart, wept bitterly, burying her face in Lady Egrette's lap.

Her young face was full of anger and jealousy.

"You said it wouldn't happen. That the Duke was only marrying her, that he didn't have a bit of affection for that woman! But why is she coming to our castle?"

"You clearly said that while the marriage would happen, the woman from the Fosche family would not be allowed in this castle."

Egrette sighed as if troubled herself, patting Rose's back.

"I advised so much caution against the south. The Duke is still too young."

Her tone conveyed concern for the north, but she was undermining Lord Darius's 'childish decision.'

Innocent young Rose Temery couldn't grasp Egrette's true intentions.

Lady Egrette oversaw the household affairs of the north.

She was also a respected woman of the Inkheart family, Lord Darius's lineage.

When Darius inherited the ducal title after his father's sudden death, relatives of the Inkheart family opposed it, citing his youth.

So, in a family council, Egrette, a distant cousin of Darius, was chosen to assist him, overseeing the household affairs of the duchy.

"I couldn't accept Darius marrying that woman, but I endured it! You said it was his duty as a lord! But how dare a woman married out of obligation try to enter this castle as if she's the real lady!"

"Rose, it's absurd for such a castle to lack a lady. Maybe it's for the best. Now I can retire to the back rooms in peace."

"How can you say that! You have been the one managing this castle, Lady Egrette!"

Rose was horrified. She couldn't imagine Inkheart Castle without Lady Egrette.

"I was merely keeping the castle for a while, the true lady now is Lady Anette."

At Egrette's bitter smile, Rose gritted her teeth.

That woman took over the Duke, and now even Lady Egrette's position. What is she?

"I can't forgive her!"

"Don't you dare think the Duke brought you to this castle himself! The Fosche family is an enemy of the north, so you, being their daughter, are no different!"

She pointed accusingly, her finger upright.

Blonde hair parted in two, blue eyes. A fair-skinned girl with a delicate smile.

I, who just arrived in the north, hadn't done anything to earn this girl's grudge. Why does she bare her teeth at me like an agitated cat?

'She purred like a full cat in front of Darius.'

Ah, it makes me laugh.

The girl pointing at me is Rose Temery, a character I've read about in the original story.

A loyal knight's daughter from the Temery family, she loved Darius from a young age. She was even considered for remarriage to Darius after Anette's death.

'Even if Rose didn't marry Darius, the Temery family had sworn loyalty to him for generations, and besides, the true love, the female lead, had appeared, so that story was water under the bridge.'

"That's all I have to say. Don't shamelessly show your face here, live quietly like a dead mouse!"

In a sense, Rose Temery and I, Anette Fosche, are comrades. Female side characters who either married the protagonist or loved him in vain but were not chosen.
In the North, where there are fewer people and social events, Rose Temery of the Temery family often visited the Duke's estate as she had nowhere else to go.

While other ladies would attend or host tea parties to learn the ways of high society, she spent her time watching her brother and Darius practice swordplay in the training grounds.

In the Duke's household, which had no special mistress and no other master besides the Duke and Darius, she was treated almost like the lady of the house, indulged in her every whim.

'I remember in the original story, Rose reacted like this when she first saw the female lead.'


This novel has been translated up to chapter 30.

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