Chapter 16

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"Yawn, it's boring just sitting here. I'm going to take a brief walk outside and come back."

After finishing the audience with Gnome Gilbert, I quickly left my seat.

I felt Darius's gaze on me, as if thinking, 'Wasn't she the one passionately arguing for building ten more forges just moments ago?' But I pretended not to notice and headed out of the main hall.

Outside, I soon found Gnome not far from the hall.

"Oh, Duchess Anette."

Seeing me, Gnome's eyes were filled with trust, perhaps because of the recent approval of the expansion.

"I was surprised, a young lady like you understanding the importance of this industry so well!"

"Age doesn't matter in business. I'm glad things went well earlier. Actually, I have something to ask."

"Yes, yes! Ask me anything!"

"Is there anything hindering the business? If there was something difficult to mention in front of the Duke, you can tell me now. I'll make sure to relay it properly."

In truth, I had no power to do so. Seeing how naturally I bluffed, I wondered if being in a position of authority was my calling.

But the middle-aged man, who was beaming just moments ago, now had a shadow over his face. There was definitely something!

"Ah, I don't know where you heard it, but my brother will pull himself together soon. It's just that his daughter disappeared. How could his heart be in the right place?"

"His daughter disappeared?"

Surprised by his unexpected revelation, my eyes widened, and Gnome realized his slip of the tongue.

"Oops, I thought you knew..."

Though he covered his mouth, it was too late.

"Today, it should have been the guild master himself here, but he's been drinking lately because of it."

So, the missing daughter was related to the highest-ranking person in the blacksmith guild.

"Speaking in front of the Duchess may not be appropriate, but young people are naturally drawn to the glitz and comfort of the city. A few months ago, when a traveling theater troupe came, his daughter argued with her father about leaving the North for the capital. And then she disappeared."

The missing guild master's daughter was named Anne. Because of his worry for her, the most skilled blacksmith couldn't focus on work, affecting the iron smelting production in recent months.

Gnome thought I came out to discuss this issue.

"That's not what I wanted to ask, but people come first. It must be hard with his daughter missing. Is there a possibility of abduction?"

"Ah no, not at all. In our close-knit North, where would abduction occur? Young people are just more attracted to the capital than the cold North. When I was young, I wanted to leave this town too. I'm sure Anne will write once she settles down in the city."

Hmm. It was odd that he didn't actively search for her despite being so worried.

'Well, I can't interfere in someone else's family matters. Not like I can offer a solution.'

"If there's anything I can help with, just let me know."

"Your concern is enough, thank you."

After parting with him, I headed back to the main hall.

"Be careful with Anette. Unnecessary kindness is forbidden."

Just before opening the door to the main hall, a familiar voice reached my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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