Love is the Ultimate Weapon

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As I walked up to Jack I could barely keep it together. The others had gone home after cleaning themselves up and Ianto went home after we buried the woman and Lisa's body.


"I don't wanna hear it Yazmin." He said quietly. He was in his chair facing the wall.

"Jack. Please, would you have killed him?" I asked. Jack sighed and stood up before turning to me. He was crying.

"This. This is only one of a few bad things I've had to do. He may hate me but we had no other choice." He said walking up to me.

"No. No I wouldn't have. But I would have killed her to protect my own." He said walking up to me.

"Jack?" I asked about to cry again.

"Am I being punished for something. Why do I have all these memories...why am I here? Why out of all the things to happen did the same thing that killed my daughter have to be here...and why did they have the same name." I said breaking down, I felt myself falling to my knees but I was just so weak, so tired. My heart was hurting. Jack quickly caught me as we slowly went down now and he pulled me right into his chest, just as I did for Ianto.

"I'm so sorry Yazmin. For the both of you...if I could have helped him I would have...but..."

"I know. I know it's not your fault...Ianto knows it's not your fault...we all do. It's...just so...hard. You are right... it's a blessing and a curse. Emotions...but love." I said raising my head from his chest looking at him.

"Love is the Ultimate Weapon." I whispered. Jack looked down at me rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I lifted my hands to wipe the tears from his face. He he did the same to you.

"I wanted to tell Ianto the truth...I have loved someone like that. But for me...I was the only one to survive...everyone else...was killed. Because of me...I just didn't want it to happen again." Jack said the tears falling again. I wiped them.

"That's why I seem so emotionless. So empty. So..."

"Lonely." I whispered kissing him. Jack ran his hands through my hair pulling me more into the kiss holding me tightly before letting go of me.

"Everyone I ever loved dies." Jack whispered.

"I...don't wanna lose you Yazmin." He whispered putting his forehead to mines.

"Friend or Lover Jack. I'll always be here." I whispered before he kissed me again wrapping his arms around me tightly, holding me close to him. Even if we weren't able to die, we were still human. Jack was still human...he was just scared. Just like the rest of us, except he knows and seen more. He knows what needs to be done and I won't let that burden be his alone. Not anymore.


The next morning before even the sun and birds were awake, I woke up looking around at Jack and me wrapped in a blanket on his office floor and quickly but quietly slipped out of his hands putting my clothes on as I stepped out the office and closing my eyes I once again sent my energy out to the members except Ianto, although I still erased what he had seen. I also changed it, when Ianto wakes up this morning he will remember Lisa and that she died but that she died differently...more peacefully. For the others they don't remember killing her or what happened the night before but they will know her name and that she died.

As I turned back around Jack was sitting up but looking down. I walked back into the office and he immediately looked up at me smiling.

"I still remember, even though you did it to me too." He said smirking as he reached his hand out for me to join him again.

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