A Cruel Turn Of Events

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Owen and the boy came out from the back holding Gwen.

"Jesus sit her down here." I said pulling up a chair.

"Jack we really need to get the others." Owen said but Jack wasn't listening.

"What part of they can handle themselves aren't you guys understanding. Right now our priority is to protect that boy!" Jack said pointing at him.

"Alright Jack calm down." I said standing up. "Regardless we need to think of an idea, a plan so-" I looked up as the lights suddenly turned off.

"Jack." Gwen said immediately getting up pulling out her gun. Owen and I did the same.

"The boy said they come back for him. He said they were fast and strong." Owen said looking around, from the corner of my eye I saw something in the window.

"There!" I said pointing my gun.

"And there!" Owen said

"Oh god OH GOD! They've come back to finish me!" The boy started to yell.

"Shut up kid you're not helping!" Owen yelled as glass began to break. I raised my gun up taking aim.

"I'll check downstairs." Jack said as the boy stood up with his shot gun and Owen followed Jack.

"Gwen. Stay close to me." I said taking her behind the bar.

Around us they started breaking the windows. Three shots going downstairs.

Suddenly Jack and Owen ran back up as the boy screamed for help.

"Shit." I said jumping over the bar going to grab his hands. Owen coming behind me trying to help by grabbing me.

"God your heavy!" Owen said

"Fuck off!" I yelled as the both of us flew back and the boy was dragged away.

"NO! Goddamnit!" I yelled getting to my feet. Jack stepped in front of Gwen.

"Jack, we have to help him!" She yelled

"Your wounded Gwen and it's too dark outside!"

"That's not going to stop me!" She yelled Jack moving his hand.

"Go." He said Owen following behind her.

"Jack." I said looking around.

"Whatever they are it took 3 shoots but I heard fall. I need you to go after those two." Jack said looking at me.

"I am not leaving you here Jack!" I yelled looking at him.

"You need to go with them! Gwen is hurt and Owen is only one man!" He yelled. "Now GO!" I jumped for a second then left running after Gwen and Owen. Running throughout the woods I could see flashlights.

"HEY!" I yelled as I pulled up my gun. Owen had a gun to someone on the ground Tosh was covered in dirt handcuffed and Gwen had another man at Gun point who turned his head to me immediately firing his gun.

"YAZMIN!" Tosh cried out as I grabbed my stomach. I fell to my knees looking at Gwen before I winked hitting the ground.

"Now put your fucking guns down!" I heard someone say.

"Go over there and pick her up. She'll be the perfect appetizer."

"The perfect what?"

I thought as I felt one of them picking me up.

"You lot are gonna pay for this." I heard Owen say.

"You're such a feisty man. I bet your meat will be the toughest."

Looking For A Doctor: A TORCHWOOD/Doctor Who fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now