Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11

Jiang Liyun visited the morning market from beginning to end, and then from end to end.

The grain shop was not open at this time, but the butcher shop was. The man selling pork in the state-owned butcher shop had a very bad attitude. Jiang Liyun stood aside and saw him not allowing the customer to choose. The customer wanted a small piece of meat, but he still I'll cut it into a big piece.

Fortunately, in addition to the state-owned butcher shops, there are now private pork sellers. The man's attitude was so good that he was surrounded by a large group of people.

While chatting with people, Jiang Liyun learned about the prices of flour, pork and soybean oil, and calculated the cost of making fried dumplings based on her experience in her previous life.

She thought of making fried dumplings because she knew how to make them.

After her divorce in her previous life, she sold vermicelli soup, spiced dried tofu, fried stinky dried tofu, and shredded radish pancakes in front of the school.

These are foods they have had here since ancient times, and they were sold at the morning market today.

She couldn't make a lot of money selling these, but could only earn some hard-earned money, so she thought about selling some fresh food.

At that time, Jiang Liping told her that people in the north eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year. She saw someone selling pan-fried buns, so she started selling pan-fried buns and dumplings.

Her fried dumplings sell very well because they are the only ones in town.

In the beginning, she got up early every morning and rolled out dumpling wrappers to make dumplings.

Later, the business was so good that she couldn't make it by herself. At that time, she was still paralyzed, so she started buying machine-made dumpling wrappers to make dumplings.

There are no machine-made dumpling wrappers on the market now. She has to roll the wrappers herself to make dumplings, but such dumplings are more popular with today's customers.

The wrappers of machine-made dumplings are too thin and it's not easy to fill up. Dumplings made by rolling out the dough yourself are more substantial.

Dumplings with thin skin and large fillings are not only more expensive regardless of whether they are full, but people will like them twenty years later, but people today will not.

Setting up a stall requires capital. Jiang Liyun knew that the little money she had on hand would not be enough. Fortunately, she could borrow some from others.

Jiang Laizi had one or two thousand in his hand.

In the past few years, three people in their family have been working, and the money paid to Jiang Laizi every month can add up to more than 100. Although the family's expenses are high, they can still save some.

Jiang Zizi and Wu Xiaochun have actually been working hard to save money and want to marry Jiang Lihai a wife.

But now when they marry a daughter-in-law here, they have to build two brick houses and furnish them with furniture, which costs thousands. The woman's family usually requires the man to buy a bicycle, sewing machine, and radio.

Jiang Laizi didn't even have enough money to sell building materials such as bricks and tiles. He hesitated and hesitated to build a house. By the end of this year, Jiang Lihai had an affair with his first partner.

Jiang Liyun spent 50 cents to buy two steamed buns stuffed with pickled vegetables and dried tofu for breakfast.

She was eating hot buns while walking to the sofa factory. When she arrived at the sofa factory, it happened to be the time when the sofa factory was working.

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