Chapter 71-80

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Chapter 71

At half past five, Sun Jinshan rode his bicycle to Jiang's house.

Jiang Lihai also went to the county seat this time.

He has taken a lot of leave recently, but in the brick and tile factory, one day of leave will be deducted from one day's salary, so the leaders and employees in the factory don't have any objections.

He actually wanted to go to work to make money, but Jiang Liyun and Sun Jinshan made him a lot of money before, and they told him this time that they would give him hard-earned money when the accounts were settled at the end of the year, so he kept asking for leave.

Sun Jinshan came here on a bicycle. Jiang Lihai borrowed Gu Dafa's bicycle. Jiang Liyun also had a bicycle. Only Jiang Liping left her original bicycle at Li's house and asked Sun Jinshan to take it away.

To be honest, it's okay to ride to the town. If you go to the county seat... I don't know if Sun Jinshan will fall down from exhaustion halfway.

But that has little to do with her.

When Jiang Liyun saw everyone gathered, she said, "Let's go."

Knowing that he was going to ride a long distance, Jiang Liyun oiled the bike in advance and the ride was very smooth. Jiang Lihai, a young and strong man, rode even more easily. Only Sun Jinshan was left behind, riding at a very slow speed.

When Jiang Liyun stopped, she also discovered that Sun Jinshan tried not to sit on the seat when riding his bicycle.

Jiang Liyun: "..." Could it be that Sun Jinshan was beaten?

Sun Jinshan did feel a sweet pain at the moment. His father whipped him yesterday. It definitely didn't hurt his muscles or bones, but it still hurt a little when he sat down.

Now he has to ride a bicycle to the county seat, and he has to carry Jiang Liping... It's really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Jiang Liping also saw that something was wrong. After riding for a while and everyone stopped to take a rest, she directly asked Jiang Lihai to take her away.

Jiang Lihai: "..." He was also tired and didn't want to take anyone else...

It was after nine o'clock when the group arrived at the feed factory.

Jiang Lihai and Sun Jinshan took turns carrying Jiang Liping, and they fell down from exhaustion. Even Jiang Liyun felt tired after riding a bicycle for so long.

Several people stopped the car some distance away from the feed factory and pushed the car away, and then slowly calmed down their breathing.

The white sweater Feng Yi knitted for Jiang Liyun has been knitted, and Jiang Liyun is wearing it today.

She took out the contract she had prepared long ago from her bag and walked inside.

The director of the feed factory had been waiting for Sun Jinshan to sign the contract after talking to him before. As a result, he waited for a long time and didn't get anyone. He thought Sun Jinshan would not come.

At this time, Sun Jinshan brought several people over. He was quite surprised. When he came up, he greeted Sun Jinshan: "Brother Sun, you are finally here!"

"Sorry, I went to Shanghai and wasted some time!" Sun Jinshan said with a smile.

So Sun Jinshan went to Shanghai? The director of the feed factory chatted with Sun Jinshan, and Sun Jinshan said: "I went to Shanghai to find sales for our chickens. Many hotels there have signed contracts with us. Manager Zhao of Jinyu Hotel has decided , from now on, all the chicken legs and wings that their restaurant will use will be purchased from me..."

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