Chapter 101-110

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Chapter 101

The New Year's Day party in University H was very lively. After the party, the students kept mentioning it and were excited for several days.

Of course, Feng Yi is not included.

After the New Year's Day party, his life continued as usual.

He went to class as usual, helped the professor as usual, and then went to Jiang Liyun's place on weekends to enjoy their own two-person world.

Wherever Jiang Liyun is, it is his home.

Feng Yi was not affected at all, but the others in the dormitory were different.

A local Shanghai man who often played with Qiao Mingze confessed to the girl he liked on New Year's Day, and the girl agreed. From then on, he began to have sex with her, making other people in the dormitory envious.

Even in the class, some people envied him. For a moment, people's hearts were filled with confusion, and no one was interested in studying.

The professor often asked Feng Yi to help correct homework, and Feng Yi discovered this situation immediately.

He talked to the professor, and then... the professor gave the test again.

After the exam, the professor also warned the students to study hard in the last month of the semester and not to fall behind.

After class, the boys in the class surrounded Feng Yi: "Feng Yi, you have no heart at all."

"Feng Yi, is this something a human can do?"

"Feng Yi, you have a partner yourself, why do you stop others from finding a partner?"


Feng Yi smiled and said: "I'm different from you, I didn't let falling in love affect my studies!"


Feng Yi told the truth. Although he ran away every weekend, his grades were always far ahead. It was said that he had already started taking courses for his sophomore and junior years.

Their school had few learning materials, and Feng Yi asked the professor to help him get various teaching materials from other schools.

"Feng Yi, you are so smart, why did you go to university so late? And you only got into H University?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

At the beginning, some people in their class looked down upon Feng Yi. Feng Yi was the oldest in the class, and they all felt that he should have repeated his studies for several years.

It took several years of repeated studies before he was admitted to the same school as them, which shows that Feng Yi is not as good as them!

But as time went by, their minds changed - Feng Yi's learning ability was so strong that it was shocking.

Shao Chengdong is very talented in the field of computers. Every time he takes computer classes, he performs well and is often praised by professors. However, his theory is quite poor. When people ask him why he is so programmed when he takes computer classes, he still cannot tell a reason. .

Feng Yi is different. He has a very good memory and can memorize all knowledge. No matter what content is asked of him, he can answer it quickly.

When he was on the plane, his performance was particularly good. Shao Chengdong's ideas were wild and unconstrained, and sometimes he would make mistakes, but he wouldn't.

People like him are actually the most suitable to take the college entrance examination, and he is so old and has studied several years more than them.

Why didn't he get into a better university?

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