Chapter 91-100

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Chapter 91

The Feng family's life was pretty good. In the past two years, Old Feng and Zhou Qiaoxia had raised chickens together. Although they were not rich, they could still earn the salary of two people.

Old man Feng goes to the town from time to time to set up a stall and sell vegetables, which can also earn some extra income.

But their lives are not easy either.

Feng Laoer got married a year ago and spent all the family's money. In the process of organizing Feng Laoer's marriage, Feng Laoer sprained his waist and was unable to work for a long time.

Old Feng can't work, so Zhou Qiaoxia has to do all the work at home...Zhou Qiaoxia was originally unhappy because Feng Er's marriage cost the family a lot of money, and now that this happened again, she couldn't complain, either inside or outside her words. After listening to her complaints, Old Man Feng was not happy either.

Forget it, Feng Wenbing took the high school entrance examination a year ago and had not yet entered high school.

This is actually nothing. These days, there are not many rural people who are admitted to high school or technical secondary school.

Old Man Feng and Zhou Qiaoxia felt that if Feng Wenbing didn't go to high school, it would be okay to find a job in a factory or help raise chickens at home.

But Feng Wenbing neither wants to go to work nor raise chickens.

Zhou Qiaoxia doesn't like Feng Yi and has no feelings for Feng Yi at all, but she treats Feng Wenbing as her treasure. She feels that she will have to rely on Feng Wenbing for her retirement in the future.

For this reason, she loved Feng Wenbing very much.

Old man Feng remarried to a young and beautiful daughter-in-law, who gave birth to a fat son. Naturally, he was also happy and doted on Feng Wenbing.

Feng Wenbing doesn't have to do any work at home, just study hard.

If he could get a good education, he should be able to live well in the future, but he didn't get into high school.

Old man Feng and Zhou Qiaoxia did not find it hard work to raise chickens and grow vegetables. They could use chicken manure to fertilize the vegetable fields without changing their expressions.

But Feng Wenbing is a young man who has been studying and has just graduated from junior high school.

Zhou Qiaoxia asked him to feed the chickens, but he looked at the chicken excrement all over the floor and refused to go in!

If you don't want to raise chickens, you can go to work.

But most of their factories here are in the light industry. In the past few years, they have all opened garment factories, chemical fiber factories, silk factories, etc. When they recruit workers, they are basically looking for female workers.

It is not easy for men to find jobs. All they can find are manual jobs.

Jiang Lihai and Feng Yi both entered the brick and tile factory at the age of sixteen. They worked small jobs and did not find working in the brick and tile factory very hard, but Feng Wenbing was different.

Moving bricks into a factory? Even Feng Laoer doesn't want to do this job, let alone him!

Feng Wenbing has never been able to find a job because he has never been able to find a job.

They refuse to do the work at home and can't find a job... Old man Feng and Zhou Qiaoxia have to talk about Feng Wenbing all day long. Feng Wenbing has always been pampered and cannot listen to criticism of himself, so he will naturally make trouble. Let's make trouble this time. Everyone will not happy.

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