Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

"Sister Liyun, why didn't you call me earlier?" Seeing that Jiang Liyun had already made two pots of dumplings, Feng Yi couldn't help but ask.

He was so tired yesterday that he slept with his pillow at night. He didn't wake up until Jiang Liyun came to call him. He didn't know that Jiang Liyun had already gotten up early and made so many dumplings.

Jiang Liyun said: "I was too excited last night and got up early this morning. You don't need to get up so early." Feng Yi was basically doing all the tiring work yesterday, so Feng Yi should have a good rest.

"I want to get up early." Feng Yi said.

"Okay, I'll call you next time." Jiang Liyun smiled and took Feng Yi to have breakfast.

Jiang Laizi made a pot of porridge as usual.

Before Jiang Liyun was reborn, her family had porridge and pickles every morning, and porridge and pickles every night. The food was very poor.

After Jiang Liyun was reborn, she couldn't stand it.

Her mother and sister are not in good health, so just eating some food like this is not nutritious enough?

At her request, their family eats eggs every day these days, and meat from time to time.

As for today... Jiang Liyun scooped out some dumpling fillings, beat in four eggs, stirred them evenly, then put them in a pan and fried them.

Immediately afterwards, she scooped out some dumpling fillings and stir-fried them with pickles.

Omelette with minced meat and stir-fried pickles with minced meat... She and Feng Yi had great appetites and ate a lot.

As for Jiang Laizi and Wu Xiaochun, they planned to wait until Jiang Liyu woke up before eating.

Jiang Zizi and Wu Xiaochun actually felt that eating like this was too luxurious. Normally they would have said a few words, but today Feng Yi was...

The two of them didn't say anything, they just said: "Liyun, your dad and I will help you make dumplings in the morning? We get up early."

Jiang Zizi and Wu Xiaochun did get up very early in the morning. While she was making dumplings today, Jiang Zizi got up and cooked porridge.

Jiang Liyun said: "Okay, then in the evening, I will teach you how to roll out dumpling wrappers."

Their dumplings were to be sold, and they had to be about the same size. She had to teach them.

"Okay." Wu Xiaochun smiled.

She disapproved of Jiang Liyun's sudden resignation to set up a stall, but Jiang Liyun had already done so... She could only try her best to help.

After Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi had breakfast, they used a cart to pull various things and walked towards the town.

Jiang Liyun had inquired in the town a few days ago and found out that the town now allows everyone to set up stalls at will, but if you want a good spot, you have to get there early.

Those who sell vegetables can sell more vegetables if they get a good location, but she sells fried dumplings and is the only one in town, so the location does not need to be very good.

But she has a lot of stuff, so she needs a spacious place.

It was after five o'clock when the two went out, and it was almost six o'clock when they arrived in town.

Fortunately, Jiang Liyun had already fired up the coal stove when she was at home.

There is a "small door" under the coal stove for oxygen to enter. She left a crack in the "small door". In this case, the briquettes in the coal stove will burn very slowly.

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