Death and Character Creation

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Ren didn't know what went wrong, he just returned from summer school for the day, returned home, than started to chat with his parents.

Then they heard glass breaking, a man in black came and threatened them. The man started to monologue, talking about his parents, something about betraying the church, how they were heretics. Ren knew that by the way this was going, the man in black was gonna shoot, so Ren jumped in front of the gun, the man in black fired, but Ren knocked the gun off course, it pierced his throat, he would likely die soon.

His parents roared in fury, his dad slamming the man in black, punching him over and over again. His mother called the ambulance, but it was to late, Ren had died.

Ren didn't know how long it's been, minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? He didn5 know, he was trapped in this dark void, but then, a screen appeared in front of him

[New Game]

Ren hoped this wasn't fake, he knew what this could mean. This could mean a second chance at life, this screen looks like the ability, the gamer, he read about it a lot in fanfiction, and he clicked [New Game]

Welcome, you have been chosen as the new host of The Gamer. Choose your world. Credits: 1000

He would see many options, Highschool of the dead, Bleach, Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and many more. He narrowed the options down to 3 though due to needing to consider the credit cost and dangers of each world. Bleach, Genshin Impact, and Highschool DXD, Bleach was out of the equation, while it was cheap at 150 credits, the risk of whether he got a good zanpakuto or not was to risky, along with Aizen having Kyoka Suigetsu, far to risky.

Then he thought over it, Genshin would be expensive, 400 credits, plus he would be limited to one element, and the Archons were active and dangerous. Highschool DXD was cheaper, 300 credits, while it had many strong people, gods, ultimate and satan class beings, they were unlikely to interfere with his life early on, he would also likely be able to buy modifiers with the remaining credits.

It was decided, Highschool DXD was his best option, so he selected it.

World selected, 700 credits remaining, select Race: (Human:Free) (Low Class Devil 50) (Mid Class Devil 100) (High Class Devil 150) (Fallen Angel 100) (Angel 100) (Yokai 80) (Dragon 450) (Asgardian 120)...

There were so many options, issues with most of them like asgardian, was that cannon never delved much into them. Yokai would likely let him choose which one, give him access to senjutsu if he chose NekoMata or Nekoshou, but the risk of being captured was to great. Angel could lead to him falling, which wouldn't be that hard to happen. Fallen would mean he'd serve Azazel, it seems like it's good until you remember Kokobiel is there. Devil would mean either your low or mid class serving someone, or high class and your monitored. Dragon would mean he is likely to be hunted to be captured or killed, plus the immense cost. The safest option would likely be human, but they were so weak... But he could get a sacred gear, that could be the game changer, plus powerful humans exist like Cao Cao, Georg, Arthur, and more, he would also have a lot of credits remaining.

Mind made up, he selected Human.

Human Selected, race bonus: 25% extra to all types of exp gain. 700 credits remaining, please select perks.

He would look throughout the perks section, and would select a few that seemed useful while being worth it, first though.
"Hey system, what happens to remaining credits."
System: [Remaining credits will be converted to stat points.
Rising Star: Increase exp gain by 50%, all stat gain is increased by 100%. Cost: 300 credits, 400 credits remaining.
Great Magic Core: Mana and mana regen is increased by 100%. Cost: 100. 300 credits remaining.
Epic Sacred Gear Weilder: Allows the user to possess a high level sacred gear created by the system. Cost: 150 credits, 150 credits remaining.
Quick Learner: All skills are easier to learn, increase skill exp gain by 75%. Cost: 100 credits
Remaining 50 converted to stat points.

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