Training Issei, Kuoh Devils.

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Authors Note: I realized I forgot to add the bonuses from rising stars to the swordsmen class stats last chapter, So I added them quickly.

It's the next day, Tuesday, me and Issei are at it again, training. This time though, we cleared the first room and are staying to test the boosted gear. Turns out it's not as OP as ai thought. It seems for some reason, the boosts after the first are weakened. Currently me and Issei are sparring, with him using 3 boosts.

Name: Issei Hyodou
Title: Red Dragon Emperor.
Race: Human
Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear.
Level: 13
HP: 4,748/1,575.( Maximum when boosted: 6,300)
MP: 400/400
SP: 825/1,575
STR: 40 (Boosted X3: 160
END: 63 (Boosted X3: 252
DEX: 54 (Boosted X3: 216
INT: 16
WIS: 18
CHA: 53
LUK: 200

It seems the first boost is still double, but the second is 1.6 times for him and the third is 1.25x.

"Hey Ddraig, I noticed the boosts after the first aren't quite double, what's up with that." 8 said, curious, Ddraig should have some knowledge on this given his thousands of years as the boosted gear.

"You see, boosts after the first are usually weaker due to the users body not being strong enough, this can be somewhat mitigated by growing stronger, in the process gaining more boosts." Ddraig replied.

"So I just need to get stronger, than I can get stronger with this boosted gear thingy." Issei said, with clear determination in his voice.

"First of all don't call the boosted gear a "thingy," secondly, yes you just need to grow stronger. I suggest you ask your friend here if he has something more challenging that can help you grow stronger faster." Ddraig replied, seeming t9 be annoyed at Issei calling him a "thingy."

New Quest Given.
Objective: Get Issei to level 40 before the week is over.
Bonus Objerctive 1: Get Issei to learn a special move by the end of the week.
Bonus Objective 2: Get Issei to level 50 by the end of the week.
Rewards: 2 Gacha Tokens. 100,000 Exp.
Bonus Reward 1: 70,000 exp. Random Draconic Skill.
Bonus Reward 2: 80,000 Exp. 2 END, DEX, and STR Stat Crystals.
Accept Y/N

Hmmmm, Issei needs to get strong fast anyways, plus the rewards are nice, I quickly thought accept.
Quest Accepted.

"Sure, I'd be glad to help, with 3 boosts you should be ready for the demon dungeon. Do note that some of them have unique magic, or regeneration abilities. We quickly headed to the demon dungeon, at first Issei struggled, sustaining quite a bit of damage from a Bael demon after being distracted by the Charm of the Gremory demon. He managed to pull through though, for the phenex demons, he struggled, nearly running out of SP, but taking inspiration from Dragon Ball Z movies and Dragon Ball GT. He put all the power he had left, managing a fourth boost, screaming dragon fist.

We waited for him to recover before we teamed up against the boss, another member of the House Of Lucifer. With this training he should easily reach level 50 by the time the week ends.

Timeskip: 3 Days Later.

"You wouldn't believe what happened, I got asked on a date by this cute girl, it'll be tomorrow, Saturday." Issei said, excited.

"That's great Issei, I wish you luck." I said as Issei continued rambling on. This must be the fallen, Isseis grown stronger, level 63, easily passing the goal of 50, but he needs a way to fly. Vali seemed to have wings for his sacred gear, what if we used the boosted gears power to grant the users desire to let Issei get wings.

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