Time In My Hero aacademia.

260 11 4

Sorry for the long wait, I had some family matters and shopping on the weekend, some studying for like 60 questions on a test for the previous weekend. I also had a bunch of school, took awhile to get back into the mood to make fanfiction. Either way, hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter!

Izuku's POV. 7:30 AM
It's been a hectic but exciting month, a new vigilante has appeared and is handling criminals before most pros even get there. Everyone's been theorizing on what his quirk is, he seems to focus on lightning attacks with some sort of light manipulation; I myself believe that it's some sort of energy manipulation quirk. Stored up Kinrtic energy stockpiled, turned into electricity and enhanced to become pure light energy to manipulate the surrounding light.

Currently I'm on my way to school, 10 months before the UA entrance exams... I don't know what I can do, but I have to try; All Might wouldn't have given up, so I won't eithe- OH MY GOD, Heroes are fighting a villain right now, uh oh, the big guy is punching through Kamui Woods defenses- wait what's that?

Suddenly a ball of white light hit the villain, exploding and knocking him back. A man with a black cloak, with purple outlines on it, and a mask on his head, the hoodie of the cloak on came into view, this was the new vigilante, Nexus. Nexus quickly delivered multiple blows, loud cracking sounds were heard from the villains bones breaking as he fell unconscious. z kamui Woods immediately tried to capture Nexus in wood but the wood was torn through by a stream of lightning, with nexus disappearing from sight with ease.

That was awesome, anyways I better head to class now, I can't believe I just saw Nexus in action.

A few hours later, after school(Y'all know what happened, Bakugo Bullies Izuku, Izuku gets attacked by the sludge villain, All might saves him. All might Transforms back to normal, tells I uku he can't be a hero.)

"Can I really not be a hero, I just want to help people! Ma-maybe I should just jump off a building, maybe then I'll get a quirk... No I can't do that, mom would be sad... But what can I do, I have no quirk, no actual pow-" Izuku spoke of his woes, but before he could finish someone appeared in front of him.

"You don't need a quirk to be strong, I see potential in you kid; I know you probably don't trust me, but I'm willing to teach you the mystic arts." The man, Nexus, said, appearing in a burst of lightning.

"Wa-wait what! First All Might, now Nexus? Oh my good, I know you're technically illegal but I'm such a fan, can you give me your autograph- wait you said mystic arts? Does that mean you can teach me how to use powers similar to a quirk- wait is that your power, oh my god, now I'm starting to ramble, umm sorry Nexus Sir, but um, what can you teach me?" Izuku said, stating to ramble on, but clearly understanding the idea.

"I'll teach you the basics, like how I started out, some lightning spells should do; one of my abilities can make you grow stronger much faster, both physically and in the mystic arts. All that I ask is that you keep this training a secret until you're ready." Nexus replied back to Izuku's ramblings.

"Than of course I agree, and I'll use this power to become the greatest hero." Izuku said, seeing a new hope.

"Good, meet me at Dagobah Beach, 4PM on weekdays, 6AM on Weekends; I'll bring lunch and dinner, be in clothing that's able to handle fast paste movement." Nexus said, disappearing in a flash of lightning.

1 Month Later.

It's been a good month, I found out All For One's location, ready to launch an assault, and have completed 2 of the quests that were given to me.

Quests List.
Training The Protagonist Part II.
Objective 1: Get Izuku Midoriya to level 100. COMPLETE
Bonus Objective: Teach him 5 Spells. COMPLETE
Reward: 10 levels, +500 to LUK. UNCLAIMED
Bonus Reward: 1 Random Nythical Skill Book.UNCLAIMED

Become #1.
Objective: Become #1, either a villain, vigilante, or hero. CONPLETE
Bonus Objective: Become #1 In 1 Month. COMPLETE
Rewards: 1,000,000 credits. 15 Levels. UNCLAIMED
Bonus Reward: 25 Levels. UNCLAIMED

Kill A Symbol.
Objective 1: Kill All For One. Doing This Will Lock Objective 2 off.
Objective 2: Kill All Might, Doing This Will Lock Objective 1 off.
Reward 1: Evolve Absorb To Take 1 Skill Off Enemies Killed.
Reward 2: One For All.

Currently through beating villains, which in this world I only get exp if I don't kill, I reached level 363. Sadly Dungeons don't give me exp in this world, but it sure did give Izuku exp, He'd reached level 127, I also taught him Piercing Lightning, Lightning Shot, Lightning Cloak, Lightning Blade, and Magic Enhancement. His physical stats are all above 400, same with his INT and WIS.

I only Have 1 week left. I don't HAVE to leave immediately after beating All For One, but I probably Will. Izuku is prepared with his new magic knowledge, Mario will likely be even stronger than All Might in the future, this world is ready.  I already told Izuku goodbye so let's just kill All For One(I'm shortening this to AFO now) and leave.

10PM, Unassuming Warehouse.

Suddenly a Giant blast of Holy Energy hit the building, AFO barely had time to prepare a defence thanks to a danger sense quirk he stole. Immediately he started needing to deflect blows, he used a powerful conbintation attack, knocking the assailant back.

"Your Quirks truly are impressive AFO, your regular power is weak ye5 with those quirks your stats are over 3,000. In the end still to weak to beat me." I said, entering sage mode and 100% ultra instinct, turning my hair snow white. I easily knocked AFO around, he stood no chance, I ended it with a swing of excalibur.

Level Up.

Teleporting Back to DXD World.
All rewards Automatically claimed.
Absorb Can Now Take Skills.
True Seal Breaker Skil Book Obtained
Level 400 Reached, Class maxed, Select New Class.

I knew what to choose, I clicked on Fighter, than selected Martial Artist, which gave me a skill every 25 levels.

Class Selected, Remaining 14 Levels Granted.

Welp, bye to this world, it had some amazing food; this world should be safe with a magic wielding protagonist... probably.

Sup, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Being serious I don't have much time left, I need to shower than sleep for school tomorrow. Have a great Night/Day everyone, take care, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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