Adventuring... Ruval Phenex? New Power?

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Sup viewers, sorry I realized I forgot to include his Reputation Perks last chapter, so here they are now.

New perks.
Favor of  Thunder: Grants 20% more lightning damage.
Nekomata's Friend: You are now more agile and in tune with nature.
Knights Ally: Allos you to move 10% faster on top of any stat boosts DEX receives.
Ally To Royalty: Allows easier reputation gains with members of Royalty(Indludes the members of tpa the 72 Piller Houses.)
Now onto the actual chapter.

It had been a few days, at the start people were shocked and apprehensive that a h7man was here. When I showed the pass I got from Rias they calmed down, still a bit tense. Sadly it wasn't very fruitful at the start, due to my low rank, I couldn't star5 off with difficult missions. My first Mission was exterminating some shadow wolves in a forest, due to my great skill in mana sensing, this was easy, with piercing lightning being precise. Next missions started getting harder, but not by much, things like mutated serpents, clearing out newly discovered ruins, easy things like that.

The good news was that this provided me plenty of times using absorb, increasing my stats by the hundreds. This also gave me time to level up magical blacksmith, getting closer to max level ever6 play, I give it a few more days til I get it to 100. Currently though, I found someone very interesting.

Name: Ruval Phenex
Title: Heir To The House of Phenex
Sacred Gear: None
Race: Devil
Level: 329
HP: 46,350
DP: 51,160
SP: 46,350
STR: 812
END: 927
DEX: 859
INT: 1,279
WIS: 1,174
CHA: 400
LUK: 210
Thoughts About You: Intrigue, a possible peerage member.

"Hello there, you must be the human who's been quite talented in the adventurers guild, Ren am I correct?" Ruval said, in a kind and respectful tone.

"Indeed I am, but it seems I'm at a disadvantage here, who might you be." I said, responding as if I didn5 know his name, I wasn't supposed to after all.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry that I forgot to introduce myself, I am Ruval Phenex, I came here to do a few quests, would you like to join me 9n a few of these? Ruval said, it seems the light novels was being honest when showing his personality.

"Hmmm sure, I don't see why not, let's get going then." I said, as our new party was formed.

I had learned after some more talking that he was letting his peerage take a break while he went to adventure. I also mentioned how I wished to gain actual combat experience so we chose a quest to handle some old satan faction members that were causing trouble.

We did another few quests in the next few days, getting me enough exp to reach my next cosmic Swordsmen skill, Cosmic Blitz. Currently we were tracking down Zotix, the evil stockpile dragon. This dragon had the power to stockpile mana for power boosts physically and extra mana for later on. Currently the trail led to a distortion leading to the rocky mountains boarding onto another territory, that's when we saw the dragon.

Cosmic Blitz: Allows user to move at speeds rivalling 10k DEX i; a straight line, slashing at the enemy with a sword infused with cosmic energy, dealing INT times 3 cosmic damage. Cost: 1,500 MP.

Name: Zotix
Title: The Stockpile Dragon
Sacred Gear:
Level: 297
HP: 74,200
MP: 77,100
SP: 74,200
STR: 689
END: 742
DEX: 639
INT: 771
WIS: 490
CHA: 50
LUK: 90
Thoughts About You: Doesn't know you exist.

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