Daily Quests and Demon Dungeon.

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10 AM

after waking up, cook8ng breakfast, and taking a shower. I checked the current daily quests page.

Run/Move 15 kilometres without stopping. Rewards: 1 DEX Stat Crystal and 1 END Stat Crystal.
Shadow Box For 15 minutes without stopping. Rewards: 1 STR Stat Crystal, 1 END Stat Crystal.
Kill A Dtray Devil. Rewards: 1 gacha token, 1 random holy weapon. 10,000 credits.

Huh, those are really good rewards, I'll run to a forest to do some shadow boxing.
Ren would than head to a forest and would start shadow boxing, breaking parts of some trees during it. Ok time to use the stat crystals.
Perk Gained
Desperate Boost(100 STR): If you're being beaten in a context of strength, your STR increases by 20% for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 12 hours.

Phew, now let's h7man the stray devil, My tracker says to go northwest, let's complete the DEX quest during it.

40 Minutes Later.

Using the new END and DEX stat crystals, I felt more confident, given by the strays high INT and WIS, he's a bishop. Plus there's that it's being smart by hiding high in the alleys. Let's try to use both hands to c4eate a lightn8ng attack, that should be strong enough to kill it, let's use a lot of mana for it. Ren charged up the attack, a blue sphere, crackling with lightning, firing it.

Lightning Cannonball: Deals INT times 10 magic damage. Cost: 1000 MP.
Level Up.
Stats absorbed.
10,000 credits.
Holy Claws(Rare): Deals DEX times 3 Holy Damage. (Weapon can be enhanced with up to 500 mana a minute for 50% extra damage.)

Neat, it gave enough exp for me to level up again, they give over 5,000 just by killing one of them. The holy claws can also be useful, lets speedrun exp grinding, hopefully I can get to 5he next dungeon before kuoh starts.

Sunday, 10:27 PM.
Demon Dungeon Unlocked.
Demon Dungeon: 50-100
Ok finally, last stray devil down, Level 50 dungeon unlocked. Hmmmm am I read6 though? 50 to 100 is a massive gap, I won't be able to overlevel before I face a stronger enemy. I do have the advantage of my much higher stats from daily quests and absorbing the stats of strays. I also got INT and WIS perks from reaching 500 in them, plus the new holy gun, plus my new defensive stage 2 ultra instinct.

Angels Sorrow: A gun forged with Vibranium, blessed a powerful angels sorrowful tears. Allows user to shoot holy damage equal to 2 times the mana put into it. Limit of 1500 per shot
Name: Ren Kuro
level: 50
Class: Electromancer: LVL 50 (5 INT and WIS per level.)
HP: 11,925 (2,981 per minute.)
MP: 30,300(7,575 per minute.)
SP: 7,950(1987 per minute.)
Sacred Gear: Absorb.
STR:  237
END: 318
DEX: 276
INT: 606
WIS: 574
CHA: 152
LUK: 121
Stat Points: 37
Uncommon Lightning Magic has evolved into Rare Lightning Magic.
Rare Lightning Magic: Allows user to create strong lightning spells. Deal 20% more lightning damage.
Select Secondary Class(receive a lower amount of stats from secondary classes, they also don't add on to your level.)
Ultra Instinct Stage 2(LVL 2): Allows user to have perfect control of their movements, wasting no energy, reducing SP cost of all skills by 25%. Also allows the user to get a  sense of where attacks are approaching from.

Hmmm, with holy weapons triple damage to wicked beings(Like zombies, skeletons, devils, vampires and such.) My high stats, as well as variety of skills, I should be able to win by stacking Lightning blades on my holy claws. Now what should I select as my class, I should save malee for my primary class, hmmmm given all the potions I see in the store being strong, such as exp potions, strength and speed boost potions respectively, potions that give you resistances to types of damage, such as fire, water, light, dark, wind, demonic, even divine attacks. Materials aren't an issue, I can buy them in the store for cheating than the potions can sell for in the store, worst case scenario if alchemist isn't a class, I can choose enchanting.

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