First Day At Kuoh Academy. Cosmic Magic?

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I woke up swiftly and bought a heat containing bento, I than made a basic lunch, I had to keep up the act of needing to eat after all. When I finished making the spaghetti with black pepper sauce, cut up meatballs, and 2 small spring rolls, I put them into the bento. I spent the next hour completing the 3 daily quests, gaining the DEX, STR, and 2 END stat crystals, plus a regular light gun, requires light bullets, not very useful.

I opened up the gacha token I got and received a pair of leg weights, I swiftly equip them and turn the visibility and tangibility off. I than spent the next hour and thirty minutes making potions, getting Alchemist to level 27, gaining a new perk for reaching over 1000 WIS.

Perk Gained.
Voices of Wisdom(1000 WIS): You may call upon the multiverse itself to lend you advice.
Alchemy(LVL 27): Allows user to create potions that are minor or regular. Major, Super, and Ultimate can be made at later levels.

I quickly put the potions into the gamer store, I'll need more credits to buy resources for more regular tier potions. I arrived at school, going to the principals office, getting my time table, all the while the boys are glaring at me, and the girls are looking at me with  looks of "admiration", now I understand why Sasuke hated fan girls. Moving on I make it into my firs5 class, Science, where I see Issei and his 2 friends, having a small arguement, as I walk closer, Issei notices me.

"Oh hey, Ren, can you explain to these 2 dumbasses that I'm trying to be less perverted openly." Issei asked me, seeming frustrated, I can clearly see what happened. Issei has likely taken my advice and is attempting to act less perverted in public, his friends are trying to convince him to go peak with him, but before ai can speak, one of them speaks first.
"NO WAY! That's being a closet pervert, the way of the coward." Matsuda said, I can see how they think it's cowardly, but I have something to say as well.
"It may seem cowardly but it's just being smart, you all want girlfriends right? Well you can't get one by being this perverted, it's called being smart to reach your goal." I said, hoping that they would understand, and it seems like they did.
"That is true, having a girlfriend is very important, I can see how being g more gentlemanly can lead to getting a girlfriend."  Motohama said, seeming to ponder on it.
"Girls do like boys who are fit, and are nice to them, plus can crack jokes, but they don't like perverts." Issei says.
"OK. It is time for us our redemption arc." Matsuda said, saying it with enthusiasm.
"YEAH, let's do this." both Issei and Motohama replied.
+15 reputation with Issei Hyodou, 25/100.
5 reputation with Matsuda, 15/100.
5 reputation with Motohama, 15/100.

Class than proceeded to start, I go throughout the day, gaining a few stat points in intelligence for paying attention to class. During lunch, Issei came up to me and asked that if I could help him ge5 extremely fit, he noticed how the girls seemed to always stare at me after all. O replied that I sensed a power within him, but not to reveal it to anyone else, than told him to meet me at my house.
Timeskip. Location: Rens House.

"To make it simple issei, the supernatural is real, from angels to devils, to even gods, most pantheons are real. The shinto, the Hindu, the bible, the greek, even the norse, all of them are real." I said, covering one hand with a lightning blade, bringing out a holy claw in the other hand.

"HOLY SHIT, you're saying all those myths and legends are real? There are hot valkyries around, can I meet th- wait does this have anything to do with the power you mentioned earlier, and holy shit, are you holding lightning, and that claw looks awesome." Issei says, excited, I should have expected he would think of valkyries first, zi should have known.

"Yup, you have something called a sacred gear, a weapon gifted to humans by the biblical god. You possess the boosted gear, in its true form, it allows you to double your base power every 10 seconds." I said.

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