Exploring and Testing

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Author Note: I hope everyone's having a great day, I fixed some errors on chapter one and two. Expect this chapter to include Ren discovering some new game mechanics, plus exploring Kuoh, basically some filler but something important does happen.


This was unexpected, I managed to get a cooking skill yesterday, food seems to be good at healing me so I made extra. I also discovered a gamer shop, it sells basic stuff, and some more gamer items like potions and items from other worlds. I managed to sell the items that the undead dropped(rotten flesh, bones, some rusty daggers and worn up cloth,) for over 5 thousand gamer shop credits, buying a skill book for mana sensing for 2500 credits, which I now always have on active to level it up.

Mana Sensing(LVL 4): Allows the user to sense mana within INT X skill level metres. Cost: None.

I than went to bed, waking up early the next day and turning 2000 credits into 100 thousand yen. I explored Kuoh, it was a bit different from his original city, but just minor changes. I bought a ton of groceries. I continue to explore the city, that way my crystal ball can view anywhere in Kuoh when I need it to spy or view things. Suddenly I hear perverted giggling, I turned to where I hear it from and freeze for a moment, I could recognize him anywhere, Issei Hyoodou, and his 2 friends I suppose.

Name: Issei Hyoodou
Race: Human
Level: 1
Class: None
HP: 200/200
MP: 75/75
SP: 200/200
STR: 3
END, 8
DEX: 6
INT: 3
WIS, 4
CHA: 45
LUK: 200
Hmmm decent stats for a normal person, high END due to the beatings, low intelligence which fits in with the being bad at magic, Decently high CHA with insane LUK. They were peeping through a hole, which lets them see inside the changing closet of the store. I suppose this is a way to make a connection to Issei, all be it not in a good way.

"Hey you three, what are you doing there." I said in a slightly lower than normal voice, pointing at the perverts.
"Those Oppai are amazing." "No I think the ass is the best part, her skin is flawless." "No way, I think it's the thi-" They kept on talking pervertedly, time to shut this whole thing down.
"Ok enough of this, stop this behaviour this instant or I'll call the staff." I said in a slightly raised voice. All three than turned towards me.
"Hey, stop being a jerk, don't try to interrupt us." One of them said, I think his name was Matsuda. "And who are you to boss us around." Another one said, Motohama I hint his name was. "Guys, let's be reasonable people here, we can all enjoy the peephole, that's a good compromise right?" Issei would say.

"It's good to see that one of you is reasonable, but no thanks, it'd be bad for me to invade their privacy. Besides, given how much you enjoy peeking on girls, wouldn't you want to get a girlfriend. I highly doubt you will get one if you continue being this perverted. Besides, I wasn't joking about calling in the staff if you don't stop." I replied back, trying to put some killing inten5 near the end.

New Skill Created.
Killing Intent(LVL 1): Scares anyone equal to or below the users level plus the skill level. Cost: None.

Huh, nice new skill. Oh hey look, they're running away, wait no, 2 of them are, Issei is staying?
"Umm, sorry, but I have a question, do you really think I can get a girlfriend if I be less of a pervert?" Issei said, seeming to be a bit nervous.
"You don't seem like a bad person, if you can be less of a pervert and get your act together, I'm sure you'll find someone. But most girls don't like people who are openly perverted." I replied back, wondering if I can get Issei to stop being a "Super Pervert"
"Ok, um by the way, what's your name, mine is Issei, Issei Hyoodou, Future Harem King." Issei said, starting out nervous, though enthusiastic at the end.
"My names Ren, Ren Kuro, I hope you have a nice day,I have to get going now." I replied back, as we both said our goodbyes.
Welp, time to try and level up, next dungeon is at level 50, let's finish exploring than get back into the dungeons.

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