Old Fallen Faction? Major Fallen Attack.

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Occult Research Clubhouse.

"So, why would 2 exorcists and a holy maiden want to talk with me?" Rias said, I could see the atmosphere was a bit tense, Kiba was visibly enraged, the exorcists were weary, Koneko was... well she was acting like usual, which didn't say much, Issei was a bit confused at the tension, and Akeno still had that fake smile on her face.

"It's quite simple, we need permission to act in Kuoh, 4 excalibur fragments have been stolen, those being blessing, transparency, nightmare, and rapidly, those 4 have been stolen by the the Cadre Kokobiel, with suspected help from the old fallen faction." Xenovia said...

Uh oh, they might actually get the original excalibur, 4 frag,ents were taken instead of 3, this must be an anomaly. There is also this old fallen faction, I remember hearing about this in the adventurers guild. Good news is excalibur ruler should still be in Arthur's hands, along with caliburn, with him working with Vali, Kuroka, Bikou, and Le Fay, he should be protected.

"The old fallen faction and Cadre Kokobiel you say? This could be a dangerous political situation, but given how Ren brought you here I'm assuming he somewhat agree." Rias says, as I give a nod.

"While I do agree this needs to be taken care of, we can't allow you to do it on your own. Me and Issei will gladly lend our assistance, though I'm not sure about Rias and her peerage." I said, wanting to see if Rias will help, but it seems someone decided now it was time to speak up.

"I refuse to allow this... I refuse to allow scum from the church to walk around and do what they please." Kiba said, clearly angry, and Rias tried to calm him down.

"I challenge you 2 exorcists to a duel, if I win, I destroy the excalibur fragments." Kiba said, as he than began to explain what happened with the holy sword project.

"The ones responsible were exiled from the church, we are no longer associated with them. If you wish to duel us, than so be it." Xenovia said.

"Yeah let's show them what we can do." Irina said.

"Sorry, but I don't fight, so I won't participate." Asia said.

Behind the Occult Redearch Clubhouse.

"3, 2, 1, BEGIN!" Rias shouted,starting the duel, everyone else was setting, but I was standing, ready to intervene.

Kiba dashed towards them, sending 2 explosive swords at Irina, who tried to deflect them with a whip form of excalibur mimic, but they exploded, knocking her away. Kiba and Xenovia clashed, with kiba constantly maneuvering around Xenovia, delivering slices all over her. Xenovia slammed the ground with her excalibur destruction, and Irina slashed a wide, long arc towards the unbalanced kiba, who used wind swords to boost himself into the air, than sending a dozen swords at the wide open Irina.

Before the sword could hit, Rias called the match and I intervened, cutting the swords apart with void edge. Irina sighed in relief as Xenovia moved back, cautious.

"KIBA! That was to far, they could have died." Rias said, reprimanding the knight.

"So what, I didn't aim at any spots that would kill them in less than 10 seconds, more than enough time for Ren to give a potion to heal her." Kiba said, clearly mad.

"That's not the point, besides, we shouldn't use the potions without caution. I declare this match a foul, to aimed for attacks that could have killed her, what if she had moved differently from you had predicted, she would have died." Rias said, upset at what Kiba had done, as Akeno and Koneko sent disappointed looks, Issei started to worry over Irina and Asia started healing Xenovia.

"NO! I won that match fairly, I must destroy the excalibur swords." Kiba said, welp it's time to use talk no jutsu, I must channel the power of Naruto and anime protagonists.

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