The First Dungeon.

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Dungeons Available: (Undead: 1-10)

Huh, makes sense, undead do seem to be a usual first dungeon type of monster

Undead dungeon selected, entering dungeon.

Everything suddenly flashed white, and than Ren was in a rectangular room. He would see the natural environment around the room, a small pool of water flowing near the middle of the dungeon room, some logs and bushes around the area. Around the room he could see some zombies, they looked basic, time to try out observe.

Name: Zombie
LVL: 1
HP: 100
MP: 0
SP: 100

Hmmm, no stats revealed, that's expected I suppose, might as well start using observe on everything to level it up. First things first, time to create a lightning spell, ranged of course. Ren would than concentrate, channeling lightning into his hand, he would than fire it at a nearby zombie.

Skill created
Lightning Shot: Fires a blast of lightning, dealing INT X 2 damage. Cost: 30 MP

Hmmmm, weaker than I thought, I'll think about it after this zombie is down though. Ren would than fire another 4 lightning shots, killing the zombie.

Level Up.

Hmmm, I noticed the lightning shots seemed more like a wave, maybe I need to sharpen and condense the lightning. Let's try it on another zombie, there are 4 left in this part of the dungeon after all. Ren would focus, concentrating the lightning, but it was difficult to get it to condense. Ren would remember the Hado: 4 Byakurai from Bleach, he would than point 2 fingers out, focusing and fired.

New Skill Created
Piercing Lightning: Fires a sharp beam of lightning, dealing INT X 4 damage. Cost: 40MP

Holy shot, 4 times my intelligence? That's OP, not that much more mana used either, let's finish this room up, 7 zombies left, including this zombie.

Level Up X2

As Renwas about to finish the last zombie off, He realized something. Wait a moment, I'll need a malee attack if enemies reach me, might as well try to make one now. Taking inspiration from Naruto, he gathered lightning around his hand, making sure that it's sharpened.

Skill Created.
Lightning Blade: Coats your hand in lightning, making your hits deal DEX + INT X2 damage permit. Cost: 50 MP, 30 MP per minute to maintain.

Nice, enough to oneshot zombies, I wonder if I can coat both my hands in lightning. With a quick test, he coated his other hand in lightning, than he killed the zombie, levelling up again. Rising Star truly is a overpowered perk, he would than go through the next 3 rooms easily, defeating, skeleton archers with piercing lightning, zombies with lightning coated jabs, before he stood in front of the door, leading to the 5th and final room, the room where the boss waited, he checked his stats, he figured out that by exerting himself physically, he could gain physical stats.

Name: Ren Kuro
level: 15
Class: Electromancer: LVL 15 (5 INT and WIS per level.)
HP: 450(112.5 per minute.)
MP: 7600(190 per minute.)
SP: 450(112.5 per minute.)
Sacred Gear: Absorb.
STR: 15
END: 18
DEX: 16
INT: 152
WIS: 152
CHA: 12
LUK: 7
Stat Points: 50
Observe(LVL 10): Allows you to see the targets name, level, HP, SP, MP and stats if they are less than 50 levels above you, or are lower level then you are.

Sprint: Provides a 50% boost in speed. Cost: 40 SP per minute.

Power Jump: Allows user to jump in the direction they're facing at high speeds. Cost: 25 SP and MP.

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