9. When Pigs Fly

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No one could claim that Davina was too sweet for Brandon. They had fire that matched each other.

They took their whiskey neat, their coffee black and stayed up until late into the night doing unspeakable things. Unspeakable being brandon who would declare to the realms if he could every single morning that he conquered his wifes cunt yet again.

But he wouldnt do that because it would embarrass Davina and she would punch him.

If Brandon wanted a good girl that went to bed early, woke with the sunrise and drank tea with her pinky out, well then, he never would have set his sights on Davina.

The morning sun rose and neither moved from their places curled into each other in bed.

It was the kids time to run the castle while the adults were fast asleep.

" I don't know about this." Isla countered.

" mama wouldn't like it." Cillian agreed.

" what mama doesn't know won't hurt her." Aegon corrected.

"I don't know..." jon countered. "Aunt Davina is-"

"Come on!" Aegon declared running off.

It was too quiet but davina chose to ignore it. Quiet was good. Babies were asleep. Sleep was good. Sleep was great. Her husbands cock hardening against her - the children spilled from her mind instantly as she rolled over tilting her face to his.

"What are you up to?" Ned questioned. Aegon froze.

"You know just because you are not moving doesnt make you invisible." Isla declared

"Shut up." Aegon countered

"Oh so its trouble." Ned agreed. "Are you going to hurt yourselves or others?"

"Not intentionally." Aegon offered.

"Is ot going to make your mother mad?"

"Probably not."

"Carry on." Ned agreed.

"You taste so sweet," Brandon purred against davinas core she laughed his beard always finding her most sensitive and ticklish regions.

"Bran, we need to get up. The children will be burning winterfell down."

"Let Ned handle them. Hell let them set fire to catelyn." Brandon teased as her hips arched into him.

"Okay. You convinced me." She agreed fisting his hair.

"I think this was a bad idea!" Cyrus declared

"This is the best idea anyone has ever had." Aegon corrected " let them fly!"

"Ahhhhh!" Isla screamed running to hide behind her brother.

" I still can't believe you got wings on a pig." Cyrus murmured.

" this is crazy." Jon added.

" crazy awesome. Look at those piggies fly." Aegon declared.

" why is he chasing me?" Isla demanded. " and that one is staring at me."

"Isla you're imagining things the pigs don't care about you." Aegon assured

"Well why not?" Isla suddenly defensive as if a moment negotiation didn't want them near and now she wanted their attention.

" because they are pigs." Aegon laughed out. " why would you want their attention?"

"I suppose we should see what they are up to."

"Nah." Brandon countered.

"I hear squealing." Davina corrected. " i know i phrased it as an option but it was in fact what we are doing. Help me with my dress." Brandon did as commanded and slipped on her dress kissing her curves as they faded under the grey blue.

Davina stopped and stared seeing the pigs with wings running around and ramming into people. Isla ran to her she scooped up her baby girl.

"Hm," davina answered nodding. "Interesting."

"See!" Aegon declared

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"See!" Aegon declared. "Shes not even mad."

Too Sweet /Brandon Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now