14. Going to Die

733 70 5

Jon 11, Aegon 10, Cyrus/Robb/ Isla 9, Cillian 8, Sansa/Kirby 6, Taelon 4

"Squirt, Im going to strip you down and put a baby in you

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"Squirt, Im going to strip you down and put a baby in you."

"What are you waiting for?" Davina agreed. She laughed out as Brandon picked her up throwing her down on the bed. His appetite was insatiable. 

"We need another child. We cant keep up with them. How are we supposed to keep up with them?" Catelyn demanded

"We have robb and sansa and-"

"Jon is no son of mine." Catelyn demanded.

"Well if you werent always in such a sour mood and comparing me to my brother then maybe i would want to have another child with you." Ned hissed.

"This is going to be fun. You in or not?" Kirby challenged

"Cillian is going to wet himself, Im going to vomit isla is going to run away and you are going to die kirby." Taelon demanded.

" Am not." Kirby sassed. 

"I am not, I just have to pee, you didnt tell me what we were doing when you dragged me out here, I had a lot of water after training," Cillian corrected his legs crossed. 

"Man up, pee in a bush." Kirby instructed. 

"Gross." Cillian countered. "I'm not a savage." 

Kirby was definitely the most like her parents and their rebellious ways, she always had to be right, she always had to get her way and she always came out on top.

"Kirby," Isla begged watching her start to climb the tree.

"Where is your sense of adventure?"

"Climbing trees is one thing but climbing buildings! Winterfell! What if you slip? What if you slip and go splat?" Isla demanded. "I love adventure but you are going to-"

"Can't hear you I'm up too high." Kirby called down. 

"I'm going after her." Isla agreed scaling the tree. 

"And when she gets to the broken tower?" Taelon called up. 

"Well I'm not climbing a broken tower," Isla assured. "It's broken for a damn reason. I'm going to talk sense into her and keep her free killing herself, also thanks for the vote on confidence Taelon." Isla sassed staring down at him. 

"Sorry, I had to get my point across." Taelon shrugged. 

"Screw it I'm coming too." Cillian murmured, " after I relieve myself." 

"See this isnt so bad!" Kirby shouted. 

"Slow down! I'm in a dress!" Isla countered. "I can't go as fast."

"You should have worn trousers!" Kirby shouted. 

"You didnt tell me we were climbing up into forbidden areas surely going to get grounded." Isla corrected. 

"Hush," Kirby demanded. 

"What? Did you hear something? See something? I knew this was a bad idea, lets go down." Isla instructed. 

"They got into my things again, Ned." Catelyn whined. 

"They are just pups, still learning." Ned countered. 

"Those kids stick their savages wolves on me." Catelyn corrected. 

"They are harmless, dote upon the children." Ned corrected. 

"No, they break into my chambers and treat at my things." Catelyn corrected. 

"They are wolves Cat, they can't open doors." Ned countered. 

"Says you, look at my dress!" Catelyn held up an ugly fabric and a horribly cut dress, Ned never liked it he supposed that was why it was Catelyns favorite. 

"Maybe its you Catelyn, you are Cat and they dont like Cats." Ned mused, she huffed a breath marching off needing solice. 

"Father, i dont know what to do, I want them gone, this is my home and I feel so over powered here," Catelyn whined to no on in particular as she wrote a letter to her father. "These people," She scoffed. "This is supposed to my dream come true and yet Robb spends more time with Brandon and Sansa is going to turn into a fat little monster no one wants if she keeps sneaking into their tea parties." 

"Fat little monster," Kirby chuckled. "You really are awful."

"What are you doing?" Catelyn demanded jumping up her candle knocking over setting her page on fire in the process.

"Just climbing, move your fat monstrous ass so I can get it." Kirby instructed. 

"Go back the way you came." Catelyn countered. 

"I dont want to." Kirby sassed. 

"Well I'm not letting you in." 

"Listen lady, you might think you are hot stuff but you arent." Kirby corrected. "My father is lord of winterfell, my mother is lady of winterfell, you are basically trespassing." 


"MOVE IT!" Kirby demanded her fingers feeling numb from the cold and hanging on. 

"KIrby i'm slipping, move your butt." Isla called back. Kirby went flying into the chamber, landing with a gentle thud and rolled through to a somersault. 

"Give me your hand." Kirby murmured pushing Catelyn further back. "And stomp out that fire lady, you blind?" Kirby sassed. Catelyn hadnt noticed she glanced to the flames licking across the desk. 

"GUARD!" She called out when Isla and Cillian came in through the window. 

"This looks like a job for a man!" Cillian declared. 

"I will get Cyrus." Isla agreed. 

"I meant me, doof." Cillian corrected swatting out the flames with catelyns wrap. "Cillian to the rescue," he handed catelyn back her discarded wrap. "Sorry." 

"Get out!" 

Too Sweet /Brandon Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now