24. Vendetta

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"Robert, I know you cared for her, for lyanna. You were kind to her, she told me." Brandon recalled getting ready for a fight but now wanting to have to fight this, if for once he could settle this without a war, without violence then he would because he had his wife and children to think about. He had to control his temper.

"But robert you can't take it out on my wife, on my family

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"But robert you can't take it out on my wife, on my family." Brandon demanded but Davina's eyes held a morbid sense of fear. "I won't allow it."

"Allow it? I'm the god damn king!"

"And im Brandon Stark. Lord of winterfell. The north stands with me on this frosty winter day. We are used to the cold while your men are shaking in their boots."

"I have the kings guard." Robert corrected. He glanced back at them as davina moved closer

"You didnt replace them." Davina realized. "Not all of them." She looked to barristan.

"Princess." He took a knee before her. "You are alive."

"I am." Davina agreed. "I am princess Davina Targaryen."

"Shes a princess?" Sansa whined. "I want to be a princess! Wait that means kirby is a princess to? No fair!"

"Rise." Davina instructed before launching herself at barristan in a big hug. "I missed you old friend."

"Clegane?" Davina pondered. Sandor bowed to her. "We were just kids last I saw you."

"I didnt realize you knew me." Sandor countered.

"HOUND!" Robert barked.

"Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional." Davina added glancing back at Robert. "Some of us never grow up."

"Aye." Sandor agreed.

"Grab her!" Robert barked. Sandor just started back at her.

"These are my children. My hearts." Davina told the guards. "I'm just a simple woman. A mother and wife. I was a child when everything happened." Davina added.

"Don't listen to her." Robert moved towards Davina but aegon and cyrus lifted their swords.

"Back off." Aegon corrected.

"Ser jaime Lannister no doubt. Your golden mane identifies you." Davina offered. "You killed my father. I dont blame you. He turned sour towards the end. But my brother-" davina turned to robert. "He was a good man. He never would have hurt Lyanna Stark."

"He did. He stole her he raped her he-"

"Died for her." Isla added. "How romantical!"

"Not the time isla." Taelon corrected.

"Lyanna wasnt stolen from her home." Davina said with certainty. Her gaze shifting to ned. "She wasnt raped..." davina looked to jon and ned knew she knew. She figured it out. Their stories were so similar except davina didnt die. She lived. "Lyanna fell in love."

"Preposterous!" Robert demanded.

"She fell in love with my brother because he was charming and kind and i will admit that what he did to elia was foolish and cruel but wouldnt you run away with the one you love if you had the chance at true love?" Davina questioned the knights. Jaimes face turned down. He would run away with cersei but she loved the crown too much.

"She died with love in her heart not hatred." Davina declared.

"How could you possibly know such a thing?"

"Because when i freed brandon from my fathers cells i went with him willingly. I took the long cold journey away from my home to winterfell because i trusted him to keep me safe. I liked him the moment i remet him. He made me laugh. I never thought i was in danger or in trouble when i was with him." Davina declared. "I think lyanna felt the same. Thats why they ran away. Thats why i stayed here in winterfell where my children wouldnt be harassed by grown men with a 15  year old vendetta." Davina added loudly.

"Its not a vendetta. It is justice." Robert spat.

"Doubtful." Kirby murmured.

"Kill them!" robert shouted. "Kill them all! I will have their heads on spikes!" No one moved. It was possible that no one even breathed.

"Robert Baratheon, You May be in heaven for full half hour before the devil knows you're dead." Davina warned, a smug smile on her lips.

Brandon sent a fist to Roberts face, he felt the bones break beneath his dangerous blows. Robert dropped like a rock leaving Brandon standing over him.

"He'll wake up. Granted, he won't have any teeth left, but he'll be a wiser man for it."

"You hesitated." Davina told the knights and guards. "It shows you have honor. I thank you for it. I would hate to bring bloodshed to this sacred place i call home."

Barristan dropped to a knee. Sandor followed suit.

"My queen." Barristan declared. A few more knights dropped down while a few hesitated staring at roberts groaning body bleeding into the pure white snow.

"I wish to take my sister and her children back to casterly rock." Jaime spoke up. "They wont fight you for the crown. They are just children and my sister held no love for her husband... please."

"A fair and reasonable request." Davina agreed. In that moment, the people saw how different Robert was from Davina. Where she was quick to dismiss and let bygones be bygones. He would've murdered anyone that stood in his way. But now he lay groaning and moaning on the floor.

"My queen." Jaime took a knee and the rest of his men followed. Catelyn was furious at the sight before her. Davina was supposed to die not become queen!

Robert grumbled spitting up blood. He huffed out a breath growling. It seemed poetic what happened next. As brandon ran his blade through roberts chest. Neither men were known to fight with nobly. So brandon knew not to expect a clean fight from the get go.

"Squirt, i think we best get going." Brandon offered. "The capital needs their queen."

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