25. Watch Out Westeros

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"Ready my queen?" Brandon questioned

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"Ready my queen?" Brandon questioned

"Ready." Davina agreed giving his hand a squeeze. "I cant believe we are back."

"Last time we were here i was in a cell and you were just a little squirt."

"And you were lord stinky." Davina agreed kissing his cheek.

"We certainly have come a long way." Brandon stared up at the castle as the gates opened proudly for them.

"We can go home. I dont need a crown." Davina assured suddenly feeling anxious. 

"No. But this is your birthright." Brandon assured "im just taking it all in."

"Take your time." Davina agreed.

"I cant believe im going to be lady of winterfell!" Catelyn declared

"Sign here." Ned countered. Catelyn took the quill from him waving it around.

"We must move onto the master suit instantly and-"

"Sign here." Ned repeated

"Oh ned we must try for another child." Catelyn went on. "We simply must have a dozen!"

"Thank you." Ned blew on her signature making sure it was dry. "Catelyn. Shut up."

"What?" She whined. "You cant talk to me like that im lady of-"

"And get the fuck out of winterfell."

"You cant talk to me like-" she whined out like a child mid tantrum.

"You told robert about davina. Purposely in hopes she would be killed. Her children killed. I cant believe i ever saw decency in you." Ned spat.

"You cant kick me out im lady of winterfell-"

"You are catelyn tully. We annulled our marital relationship."

"When? I did no such thing-"

Ned held up the document calling out for maester lewin.

"Please see that this is filed accordingly." Ned requested

"What of the children? What of me? What of us?"

"I dont want to split them up but i think they should choose." Ned admitted. "And if they choose you i would like visitation."

"Ned im your wife you are my husband-"

"Oh now im your husband?" Ned scoffed. "You treated me like second best to brandon for years. A man that didnt care about you and i tried to do my duty and fulfill promises he made to your father but i cant do it anymore. You are simply not worth the hassle." Ned decided.

"Thanks for coming with jon. I know ned will miss you but the capital is place every boy like you should visit at least for a little while." Davina remarked as they walked. Targaryen and stark banners were being placed as they spoke the baratheon and lannister flags torn down and tossed into the streets the people could burn them or use them as cloaks for all davina cared.

"Boys like me?" Jon questioned

"Yes." Davina offered no further explanation.

"Wow!" Alyssa declared. "I sit!"

"Me first im eldest!" Aegon corrected running forward

"Eh, eh," brandon tsked. "Your mother gets first crack at the throne. Then me."

"But mum!" Aegon declared one foot already on the step up to the throne.

"He is right me first. Then we can do in order of favorite children." Davina teased

"Me!" Alyssa agreed sticking her tongue out at aegon.

"You said you didnt have favorites!" Aegon countered. Davina gave cillian a squeeze as he looked to the portraits being hung. She didn't know where they came from but her ancestors portraits had been preserved saved somehow and now they were placed upon the wall in a place of honor. 

Her eye caught Davina Targaryen first of her name. The queen. Maegors wife. Smiling back at her from her throne. Maegor had stood beside her. She sat the throne. a hand on her shoulder, he supported her. Brandon would do the same.

He always supported her and her passions. Fury and mouse were running around the room chasing each other. Mouse did a somersault it looked like tumbling into Cyrus.

"Watch out westeros," davina declared as she ascended the steps to the throne. Sitting down on the throne felt right like it was meant to be hers. She smiled down at her family. "Im back."

Too Sweet /Brandon Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now