17. Kick Him in the Ovaries

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Davina needed a moment to herself

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Davina needed a moment to herself. She was so tired.

Children she realized sucked all the life out of her at times. SOmetimes the children gave her life, they brought her so much happiness and other times they were pulling at her last shred of sanity following into the bathroom and taking away her every last bit of patient and composure and privacy. 

Brandon knocked on the door and davina glanced to him from the bed. He sat on the ground, leaning back against the bed. Davina draped her arms down, dangling them over his chest. 

"You alright gorgeous?"

"I shouldnt be sad but I'm sad." Davina answered honestly. 

"The kids take a lot out of us." Brandon countered, "You just need some mommy time." he ran his large calloused hands over her arms. She nodded sighing heavily she adjusted on the bed leaning forward more so she could rest her chin on his shoulder. 

"You could go for a walk with Fury, I know he would enjoy it." Brandon suggested. "I will keep the kids at bay."

"I just want to lay here a while." Davina countered. 

"You want me to go?" Brandon whispered. 

"Never." Davina assured. "I need you, lord stinky." 

"Then you got me always, squirt." 

Fury was waiting in the courtyard for Davina, he turned to her when she came out, all bundled up in Brandon's cloak and furs. 

"Hey handsome

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"Hey handsome." Davina declared, Fury ran to her leaping up onto her giving her kiss, chin to ear. "Alright you big flirt, lets go." Davina encouraged, Brandons hand fit into hers as they walked. 

Fury headed to the frozen steam walking on the water with ease, Brandon moved to the waters but davina pulled him back. 

"No." She corrected. 

"It's perfectly fine, look at Fury." 

"Look at it melting under his paws." Davina corrected. "Fury come." He ran back to her side obediently. 

"Come on, its not that far across." Brandon countered. "And you know the waterfall across the way isnt frozen, you can hear it too."

"We go the long way, its long enough across that if it breaks you will go under or Fury will and I dont want to be digging you out." Davina corrected. 

"Come on, where is your sense of adventure?"

"It's thinking about the children and if we die, Catelyn will turn them into her little soldiers, make them her slaves." 

"No she wont. Ned wont let her." Brandon corrected. "But fine, I see your point." Brandon agreed. "Come on then, lets go up the fork on the left. It's shorter this way."

"No the path to the left is shorter, the fork takes you through stupid trails." Davina corrected. 

"I have lived her my whole life I think I know the shortcuts."

"I have basically lived here my whole life, i know what I'm talking about." Davina corrected. 


"Oh thats so cute. We both know Im in charge." Davina corrected. "Left." 

"Fine." Brandon agreed. "The path is flooded and frozen." Brandon informed her. 

"I see that." Davina agreed. 

"My way?"

"Dont be smug." Davina countered. 

"Smug is my middle name. Stinky Smug Stark."

"That actually makes a lot of sense." Davina agreed. They turned around but were blocked at Brandons path too. 

"Maybe we just-"

"We were both wrong, I can be the bigger person and admit it." Davina cut in. 

"You can be the bigger person only because we were both wrong. You were going to be a stubborn butt otherwise." 

"I'm a sore loser." Davina agreed. "Come on, I want to fix up the bed chamber."

"What's wrong with our chambers?" Brandon countered. 

"Nothing but I want a change and I think that might help." Davina answered. 

"If you say so." Brandon agreed. Ned was grumbling when they got back. 

"What's wrong?"

"Catelyn pounced on me." 

"I dont want to hear this." Brandon countered heading past them. "I'm getting us a drink Dav," he called back. 

"What's wrong Ned? She pounced?"

"She wants a child but I'm limp, so fucking limp around her, she acts like its my fault but shes a monster." Ned hissed. Ned had been complaining more and more about Catelyn but he refused to do anything about it. Davina had suggested a few times to send her home. She gave him a son, she did her duty, so long fare well Catelyn Tully. Ned didnt want to pull the kids apart. Sansa was so connected to Catelyn and Ned knew that Robb deserved a mother, no matter how difficult she was. 

"BENJEN!" Davina called out. "Come on, you are helping too."

"Helping with what?" Benjen countered following after her. 

"I want the bed moved to that size of the room and the dresser over there," Davina pointed out. "But maybe that wont work with the window, I dont know, we will try it and see." 

"You know how heavy this thing is?" Brandon countered. 

"Use those muscles you like to show off." Davina suggested. "Stinky, Benjen, chop chop!" Davina clapped out. 

"Why doesn't Ned have to help with this?" Brandon questioned.

"Yeah, make him do the heavy lifting I'm the baby." Benjen begged.

"Cause he's upset over his situation with Catelyn and if I have to hear about it again, I'm going to kick him in his ovaries." Davina decided.

" Thanks for understanding, Davina." Ned agreed.

"I got your back, sister." she smirked back at him. 

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