21.Set Her Free

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The man / Khal drogo out now

Houdini/ aemond / laenor out now!

Davina and Brandon cheers to their 16th anniversary.

Aegon had turned 15 and he decided that if his parents had another child he was going to barf. He knew what sex was now and he didnt want to picture his parents doing such things.

"Congratulations my love we did it." Brandon declared. Davina smiled her arms and legs wrapping around him

"It is still hard to imagine that all those years ago you stole me away."

"You wanted to be stolen!" Brandon reminded her.

"I did Mr stinky." Davina agreed.

"It seems like... Divine fate. You and i." Davina nodded her agreement.

"The prophecy of fire and ice. I believe it was about us." Davina agreed. "For centuries my Targaryen ancestors have spoke of such a thing we all thought it was stupid. Why would for and ice mix you would clearly melt and i would sizzle out." Davina reasoned unwinding herself from him and getting ready

"You are not literally fire and i am not so icy right love?" Brandon questioned.

"To mommy!" Alyssa declared jumping in her lap.

"What about daddy?" Brandon countered.

"What did you do?" Alyssa questioned

"Helped give you life." Brandon declared


"Well mommy did all the heavy lifting but your father knows where to put it." Davina offered kissing her youngest.

"Put what?" Alyssa countered.

"His cock." Taelon answered

"Gross." Cillian countered. "Dont talk of fathers cock."

"Mum started it."

"Yes lets all toast to fathers cock!" Aegon laughed out. "If not for his skill in the bed room surely we all wouldnt be here. I would but the rest of you thats up for debate." Davina snatched his gobet from him.

"I think you have had too much to drink." Davina reasoned

""What? No. One more drink- mother! You dont take away alyssa bottle."

"Alyssa is a baby." Davina corrected.

Catelyn was still bitter. She wanted brandon tall gorgeous wild brandon. She got ned and no one cared about her, no one. Because she wasn't lady of Winterfell, hell davina was of the south and yet everyone loved her. All the people thought their new lady of Winterfell was great and Catelyn was just some lady that hated the north. Yes Catelyn hated the north but she didnt outright said it. But if only they knew, if only they knew! That a targaryen was among them.

The day went by with love and celebration the people loved their lady of winterfell davina the unknown beauty that stole brandons heart.

Catelyn loathed davina with every fiber of her being.

"Go on, its bed time." Davina decided.

"I shouldnt have a bed time, I'm a man" aegon corrected.

"You are my baby." Davina corrected. "Go on." Aegon grumbled heading off. "I love you."

"Love you." He mumbled.

"To my favorite living sister!" Ned declared raising a glass.

"Thank you thank you," davina agreed taking another sip. "And thank you for digging out the good wine," she leaned over kissing brandon. He kept her hostage in his arms.

"hows it going with godzilla?" Brandon questioned.

"Brandon thats not nice." Davina tsked. "But how it's the greedy women that is constantly trying to steal my man."

"Catelyn is tending to sansa often. She wants her to have the very best. Know how to be a good wife-" ned answered

"Something catelyn is not so is someone else teaching sansa?" Brandon questioned

"Can we get back to the fact that ned knew who we were talking about without saying who the monster and godzilla was?" Davina laughed out.

"Slipped my mind considering we all know what that woman is." Brandon drawled.

"She is contented with making sansa a little version of herself. Who am i to stop her?"

"Ohh i have an idea!" Davina declared shifting upright in brandons arms.

"This will be good." Ned teased. Davina swatted a hand at him.

"Send her home." Davina mused in a tipsy state. "She gave you a son. She did her job. You both are clearly unhappy. Put her out of her misery and your own for that matter. Send her home Ned."

"She has a good point." Brandon agreed shifting davina in her lap.

"Maybe she would want that." Ned agreed. "I will have to talk to her."

"You ever think of getting a mistress?" Davina pondered. "For the both of you."

"No." Ned admitted honestly. "Its not that. Its just we both arent happy."

"Then set her free." Davina agreed. Catelyn grit her teeth. She kept davina secret long enough. It was time she wrote the king her father the lannisters anyone that migjt want davina dead. It was time to let the truth spill out. Then with davina gone catelyn would be in charge.

Too Sweet /Brandon Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now