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"Brade..." Jake instantly was slightly in front of me showing off his incredible size. Seriously, the man was huge.

"No, really? What the fuck is this? Is this why Seth was being fucking weird earlier?"

Wait, what? Maybe this wasn't about me at all. I didn't know anyone named Seth.

"Go inside Brady. We'll talk later." He said exasperated.

"No. And really dude? Her?"

Okay, ouch. I knew Brady didn't like me and thought I was weird but it hurt a little more knowing Jake was hearing it now too. I kept my eyes on the ground wishing a hole would open and swallow me up.

"Watch your mouth, Brady." Jake sounded scary. A quick glance at the side of his face showed an angry shadow had taken over his gorgeous features.

Brady barked out a bitter laugh. "This is rich. Not only does her fucking dad step in and just uproot everything and now I'm stuck living with her weird ass, now I have to deal with you and your fucking love at first sight bullshit."

I could feel my face flaming up. Who said anything about love at first sight? And what was he talking about?

I feel like Jake was almost growling. "Inside now, Brady. We'll talk later."

Brady was almost vibrating and he seemed to be gripping the door to hard, I'm surprised it didn't just shatter under his hold. He seemed to move on autopilot but it didn't stop his mouth from running.

"Whatever. Have fun being stuck with this fuckin' loser." He gestured towards me before slamming the door shut.

I flinched and stared at my feet willing myself not to cry.

"I'm sorry." Jake said quietly. "He should never speak to you like that." He was clenching his fists so tightly they shook a little.

"It's fine." I whispered.

"It's not fine. Does he always talk about you like that?"

I hated where this was going. I was trying to redeem my birthday, not drag it back down. "He's just upset because of all the changes. It's okay. I don't blame him. It was a change for me too." I said quietly and Jake opened his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off not liking where this is going. "But anyways, I had a nice time. Thank you for dinner."

Jake stared at me for a moment and it made me nervous before he let out a big sigh.

"You're welcome. Happy birthday, pretty girl." And before I knew it his arms were around me and I wanted to explode on the spot. After a brief moment of panic I quickly gathered myself and wrapped my arms around his middle. He was so warm. Like a heated blanket.

"Thank you." I whispered again into his chest. God he smelled good. And too quick for my liking he took a step back and turned towards the porch stairs.

"I'll text you." He winked at me and I just prayed my face didn't look like a tomato. I quickly ran inside half expecting a fuming Brady to be on the other side but the house was quiet.

I turned towards the stairs and was about halfway up when my father appeared at the top of the stairs. "And just where have you been?"

"Uh...I was hanging out with a friend." I said quietly.

"What friend?" He crossed his arms.

What was up everyone just shitting on me today for my lack of friends? It was starting to sting more than I would like it.

"Just a friend I met. He's one of Brady's friends." That might have been a stretch, especially after whatever just happened on the porch.

"So a boy?" He questioned and I had some deju vu of my lunch with Jer. "Is this where your life is going now? No college. Boy toys of the month? And isn't Brady younger than you?"

There was...a lot to unpack there.

"Brady is a year younger than me. And it's not one of his high school friends. He's older. And he's just a friend!" I realized I was just digging myself into a hole here.

"How much older?" He glared at me and I had half a mind to tell him this was very rude to be doing on my birthday but would never have the balls for that.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a friend. We got pizza together."

"So after Jen makes you a birthday dinner and you rudely go and pout in your room like a child because you can't handle having a mature discussion like an adult, you sneak out with some older boy?"

"I—I didn't sneak out." I muttered. "I just didn't think I had to tell you." I muttered looking anywhere but him.

"You know, I thought this move would be good for you." He glared. "And it's proving to just show me how immature you truly are."

What did I do?! It was like I was in a weird nightmare.

I chose not to respond to him instead just stared at the wall next to him. Or staring longingly at my bedroom door.

"You know, all the things in your room that you love so much are mine. That giant tv you insisted on, is mine. That overly priced laptop, is mine. All those silly electronics are mine. You have done nothing to earn them. You know how you do that? You go to college, get a degree, and start a career and start making your own money so someday when you're actually an adult, you can have all these things too. And they'll be yours and nobody else's. You'll be in for a shock when that allowance of yours is cut off."

I stayed quiet. But I could feel my eyes burning. I understood what he meant, I really did. But he's never once asked what I wanted in life. He would be so proud if told him I started applying to colleges until he learned that I'd rather do something with the arts and suddenly that's not good enough. Won't make enough money. Didn't matter that it made me happy.

He huffed before he turned and headed back towards I assume his own room. Once I was safely alone in the hallway, I bolted up the rest of the stairs and ran towards my room before closing the door and locking it behind me.

And I could finally let the tears I've been holding back since the porch flow.

Worst birthday ever.

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