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**trigger: potential ED talk

"Really?" Jeremy was leaning against the side of his muscle car, looking every part the cool kid.

"Yes, really. I asked him to come with. Get over it."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Can you drive? Figured we'd drop your car off at the house first."

"Jake can drive. I don't feel like it."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with."

"Can you stop?" I stomp my foot at him. I was suddenly glad I had never had a boyfriend before this. He was acting like an asshole.

After dropping my car off, calling dad (which the only thing he questioned me about was school), and a quick argument about Jake sitting in the front seat, we were finally heading to the ER.

While dad didn't seem interested to hear I might have broken my wrist, he'll probably be interested once he gets the bill for it.

Getting x-rays, learning it was a pretty decent size fracture, picking out a cast color, and getting cast took about two and a half hours all together.

I was exhausted by the end of it all.

"What do you want to eat?" Jeremy asked as we headed back out to the car.

"I don't care. I want to take a nap. That took forever." I grumbled as I practically threw myself into the back seat of the car, careful not to hit my new cast.

"You need to eat something. So pick or I'm picking for you." He threatened.

I found myself sitting at the little burger place in town. Thankfully we were able to grab one of the three booths that were inside, since the rain had started coming down pretty hard.

"What do you want, princess?" The sarcasm was unnecessary. He set his phone and keys on the table.

"I guess just a burger." I shrug and put my head in my hands on the table. He sighed angrily before turning to Jake.

"Come on." He grumbled and the two of them headed up to the counter to order. At the hospital they had managed to talk about cars for about two minutes before Jeremy realized he was being a civil human being and went back to being an ass.

I played with his car keys while I waited which only held three keys on it. How boring. I kept my head on the table while I blinked away some of the exhaustion.

"Here." They came back with two trays of food. "Eat."

"Your keys are ugly." I lift my head. "You need some keychains."

"If you finish that whole burger, I'll put some keychains on there." He took a bite of his ugly looking burger.

It was also a losing battle because I don't think I've ever managed to eat a whole cheeseburger in my life. Except maybe McDonald's. Those were flat enough.

I picked at the fries on the tray. "Did you know Americans eat like billions of cheeseburgers annually and that if you lined them all up they'd circle the planet like 30 times."

"You just know that?" Jake chuckled.

"I also know that Arby's holds the record for the worlds longest curly fry. I read about it on tumblr once." Why it stuck in my brain is beyond me. "But I wish I knew the details. Did they uncurl it and measure it? Because you would probably rip it that way. And how big was the potato it came from? And is the record only for a curly—"

"Natasha. Eat." I jumped as Jeremy knocked his knuckles on the table next to my burger. Jeremy went back to eating like it was nothing. I glanced at Jake who was frowning a little at me.

Odd One Out | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now