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I closed my laptop shut after turning in what was probably a failed pre-calc assignment. I couldn't exactly fail the class since I needed it to graduate but I could take the L on an assignment or two.

I glanced around the room looking for something to do. It had been two days and I still hadn't heard from Jake.

I didn't blame him, really. I wouldn't want to hang around with me after the embarrassing debacle with Jen.

My only saving grace has been that everyone's seemed to leave me to my own devices since then. Brady has been totally MIA. Dad has been working late. And who gave a crap what Jen was doing.

Jeremy tried to call me once but I sent him a text saying that I didn't feel like talking.

I stared at a sketch book tucked into its home before looking outside. It was a nicer day out. Still a little chilly but probably the last one before the cold really set in.

I decided to kill time by doodling out on the back porch. I grabbed the sketchbook and 3 colored pens before changing into something a little warmer.

Staring out into the trees left me uninspired. I had already doodled a whole page of little cartoon looking trees and bushes. I leaned back in the adirondack chair.

Maybe I could draw some forest critters. I flipped to a new page and started working out plans for a little bear. I was clearly a little rusty because my first attempt was...rough. I giggled a little to myself when I realized the eyes were different sizes. I started on a new one next to it.

"Quite the little artiste, mon chère."

I glance up to a man standing in front of my chair, materializing out of thin air. I screamed and pushed myself back causing the chair to top backwards sending my sketchbook and pen skywards.

Instantly a pain shot up my arm from my wrist from trying to catch myself.

The man in front of me didn't move but let out a terrifying chuckle. His bright red eyes were like something out of a nightmare.

I couldn't catch my breath.

"Tell me," he said staring down at me. I could feel myself trembling but it's like I couldn't move. Every warning bell was going off in my brain. "Why is your odeur that of...a wet dog?"

I should get up and run. I should scream again. I should do anything. And yet I couldn't get myself to move.

"What's this?" He says looking over my shoulder. Not even a second later the glass door behind me shatters causing me to scream again and duck my head down before a loud growl emitted and something large and dark was flying past me.

I couldn't breath. Why couldn't I breath?

I glance over and the man was gone and the large shadow flew into the trees leaving behind an ominous rustling sound amongst the leaves.

I blinked and tried to take a deep breath but wasn't getting enough air. I just needed to take a deep breath.

I scrambled to stand up and vaguely felt pain in my hands.

"Natasha!" Someone shouted and I gasped before falling back on my hands again. But my wrist refused to hold my weight and my elbow hit the ground and started stinging.

"Nat! Shit. Shit. Shit. Are you okay?" Someone ran up the porch steps and I flinched back before realizing I knew this person.

Sort of.

It was one of Brady's friends. I had only seen him like, once or twice around the house.

He was barefoot. He just came from the woods and he is barefoot. I don't know why it's the only thing my brain could focus on right now.

Odd One Out | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now