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I knew where I was the second I was sitting on the forest floor. A maniacal laughter broke out echoing off the trees. I leaned forward and just put my head to the ground and closed my eyes, curling into a ball.

I didn't want to do this anymore. I just wanted everything to go away and to never have a dream again ever.

I wanted to close my eyes and just disappear.

"My sweet girl!" His accented voice boomed around me, still laughing. "They were so close! But something seems to have distracted the leader!" I didn't care to look at him but his laughter was starting to grate of my nerves. "Could it have been you perhaps?"

This time my lack of an answer didn't seem to anger him. He just continued to laugh. "And now I learn these bête of yours have teamed up with the coven I've been searching for! It's too good to be true!"

I didn't move, unaffected by his words. Half of it didn't even make sense to me. I did let out a scream when the ground I was balled up on opened up and the room went dark again.

"You must be so exhausted. Poor thing." He kept giggling like a school girl. "If you don't get some sleep soon, you'll go mad!" He sounded like was the one who was mad here. His psycho laugh sounded like some garbage imitation of the Joker.

"Tell your puppy and precious Cullens I'm looking for their cowboy."

He might as well have said the whole sentence in French because I didn't understand anything coming from his mouth.

"Anyways, mon cher, I hope this has been a nice trip. I'll see you next fall!" And I screamed as I free fell through pure darkness. My stomach flew up to my head and I wanted to vomit.

I finally hit the ground with a thud and a massive pain shot up my arm.

I was going to vomit. I sat up but barley could move because a blanket trapped my limbs. My mouth started watering even more and I started to panic. I glanced around and saw my small trash can next to my desk. I scrambled as best as I could over to it before upheaving what little was in my stomach. It was mostly water and acid. And every time my stomach and abs clenched I could feel a pain in my arm flaring.

After I was sure I was done, I laid back on the floor staring at nothing. I could feel tears and sweat all over my face from throwing up and my nose felt like it was running but I couldn't bring myself to move.

I was so tired. My body felt like it went through hell and back and the pain in my arm was pulsating.

I could hear the phantom sounds of cackling ringing in the room. 

I don't know how long I laid tangled in a blanket on the floor before I could hear my phone start to ring from somewhere in the room. The thought of getting up to grab it sounded miserable so I just let it ring. Eventually it stopped for a brief second before it started ringing again. 

Thankfully after the second time it stopped.

I so badly wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep but the feeling of being dropped what felt like thousands of feet prevented that. What was it like to close your eyes and not immediately come face to face with your nightmares?

After what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes I could hear voices whisper yelling before the door to my room opened.

"Fuck, Nat." I could tell it was Jake without even looking. It sounded like he crossed the room and dropped to his knees next to me.

I could feel the warmth of his hands even through the blanket. He gently touched my shoulder and rolled me to my back which caused the blanket to pull on my casted arm. I let out a hiss and turned my head feeling slightly nauseous again.

"Shit. What's hurt?"

"My arm." I mumble squeezing my eyes shut.

"Shit." He mumbled, gently moving the blanket around. He went to go grab my arm but I flinched when I felt his hand. "Sorry. I'll be gentle, I swear. I just want to check the cast."

"Don't." I reach to grab the blanket with my good arm.

"I just want to make sure you didn't break the cast or anything." He ran a hand through my hair but I didn't want him too.

"It's fine. Go away." I groan and pull the blanket up.

"Come on baby, at least let me get you off the floor." He sounded desperate but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything really.

He didn't give me much of a choice when his arms slipped under me and picked me up like I weighed nothing. I gasped as the room started to spin and that feeling of my stomach dropping came back.

My mouth started to water again as he set me back on my bed.

"I'm going to throw up." I gasp. He wasted no time in grabbing my trash can and I snatched it out of his hand as my stomach started to convulse again.

I had nothing to throw up so it was just like a painful an workout. I could feel the tears running down my face.

His hands were so gentle in my hair and he was whispering something that I couldn't focus on.

This had to be what hell is like, I thought as my stomach convulsed one more time.

I realized I was full on crying by the time my stomach settled again. Jake grabbed the trash can out of my hands and disappeared for a second before I was surrounded by heat again.

"I don't know what was fully said to you or what this leech is doing to you inside your head but I'm here because there is nowhere else I'd rather be. And I'm doing everything I can to kill this monster." He spoke into my hair but I wasn't really registering what he was saying.

My stomach hurt. My head hurt. My arm hurt. My eyes were burning.

"Hey." He nudged me gently in his lap. "Sweetheart?"

I simultaneously wanted to bury myself alive in the backyard and never wake up and get up and walk around so I didn't fall asleep again.

The pain in my arm was something I could focus on, at least. It was pulsating again. I oddly thought about taking a painkiller for it but I'd rather keep thinking about it if it kept me awake.

"Natasha." I felt him nudge me again. "Can you hear me?" He sounded desperate again. I didn't like it. I didn't like any of this.

"Go away." I whisper. I just wanted everyone to go away.

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."

Why will nobody just leave me alone? Dad about college. Jen about me just existing. Brady about everything. This monster anytime I closed my eyes.

It was getting to be too much.

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