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I don't know how long Jake just held me on my bed. Eventually my stomach no longer felt like it was going to try and exit my body which was a win.

My phone ringing on the side table is what finally broke whatever spell the room seemed to be under.

I could feel him moving behind me to reach for it. I probably should have been more confused on why he was answering my phone and talking so casually to whoever it was but I didn't care anymore.

I stared blankly at the tv wondering what show was on. It wasn't anything that was registering in my brain. I briefly wonder how many of my shows I've been missing. I'm going to have so much to catch up on.

I still didn't know who won Big Brother.

"Sweetheart." I vaguely registered he was talking to me. "Does your stomach feel better?" He brushed some of my hair back.

"Yeah." I pull the blanket up higher with one hand.

"I think I should drive you to my house and you can stay there tonight." He kept brushing my hair with his hand.

"Why?" I mumble into the blanket. "What does it matter?"

My grumbling had fallen on deaf ears apparently because seconds later the blanket was being pulled away from me.

"I'm going to drive you to my house, okay? Do you want to pack a bag?"

A bag for what?

I glanced down at the cast on wrist and was only slightly surprised that my arm wasn't physically pulsating. The pain was strong enough that it felt like it should be.

I ignored his deep sigh before the bed bounced a little from him standing up.

"I'll throw something together, I guess." He mumbled but I didn't really know what he was talking about.

In fact, I didn't really know what was going on at all. I just knew I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

I didn't realize someone was standing next to me until a shadow covered the tv.

"I'm regally sorry. Brady shouldn't have said any of that." I blink and realize it's Collin. I was sorry too. Sorry I was apparently dragging everyone into a mess they didn't ask for.

"Collin, why don't you do a lap of the Rez and then go home and sleep for a bit. You can patrol tonight with Quil."

"Yeah. Okay." He tucked his head down and left the room.

"Alright, let's go." Jake stood in front of me with a backpack hanging off his shoulder. I just stared at him still not understanding why we have to go.

He ran a hand through his hair before he looked around again. "Do you want to bring another squishmallow?"

If I had any sort of energy I would have complimented him on actually remembering the name for once.

"Hey." He used his foot to nudge my leg. "I know you're tired and confused but I'll explain everything you want to know. It wasn't a secret or anything. We just never got around to talking about it. But for now, I need you somewhere where I don't have to worry if you're safe or not."

He must have known he wasn't going to get a comment from me. He walked over to my giant yarn bucket and picked up the squishmallow sitting on top of it.

"If you don't start moving, I'll just carry you to the car." He lightly chuckled. If you had asked me yesterday I would have jumped at the chance. Today, not so much.

Was it today? Was it the same day still?

I stood up and could swear I could feel all the blood rushing in my arm. It wasn't a pleasant feeling and brought back the pulsating feeling. The blanket fell around me but seemed tangled in my legs. Jake wasted no time in untangling myself.

Odd One Out | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now