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"Do I really need these?" I held up a pack of sketch markers and frowned.

"Over $100 for some markers is insane." Jake was staring at the price tag.

"Yeah, but they are the best of the best." I looked at all the colors in the box. Did I really need them? I haven't sketched in a while. I was probably pretty rusty. "Eh,  if I start drawing again, I'll come back."

"Some of this stuff is so ridiculously expensive." Jake grabbed at some paint brushes behind me in the aisle.

"Yeah. It can get a little pricey." I glanced down at my basket that Jake was holding for me. It already had a copious amount of colored threads and beads.

"Ooh, you know what I do need? Some more hot glue sticks and maybe I can get some more embroidery hoops. I've done like 3 since we moved." I comment as I moved to where I knew everything was.

"You are a very crafty lady." Jake chuckled and followed behind like a faithful dog. So far we've had a very productive day of lunch and shopping.

"I like to craft. It's very soothing." I tell him. "And I like that it's something I can do while I watch my shows."

"And what show is on tonight?" He swung the basket around a little causing all the little beads to sound like maracas.

"Big Brother but the season finale is this weekend which sucks because it won't be back until summer. Big Brother is fun because Jeremy watches it too and I have someone to talk about it with."

"What's it about?" He asks and I whip around to stare at him.

"You've never seen it?!" I gape at him. "Or heard of it at the very least?!"

"Sweetheart, I don't watch much tv." He smiled at me and I wanted to melt.

Really though? With all the pet names and the constant texting and hanging out, he has to be into me? Right? But he hasn't as so much as tried to make a move. What if he was waiting for me to make the first move?

"You kill me." I mumble and turn away so he can't see my face on fire.

"I'm sorry for my lack of television knowledge." He joked.

"So it's about a group of total strangers who get locked in a house with no contact to the outside world and they have to do challenges and stuff and then they all vote someone out of the house and then when it's down to the last two people, everyone who got voted out gets to vote on who they think the winner should be."

"Interesting." He nodded along.

"It's a lot more strategic and stuff. And they have cameras going 24/7 so you can watch them literally whenever you want."

"That's kind of creepy." He followed me up to the register and set the basket down while I dug my wallet out.

"I guess it kind of is. I would apply to go on the show. I think I've watched it enough to know how to strategically play the game. I probably wouldn't be very good at some of the physical challenges though."

"I bet you would win." He smiled at me and took the bags from the cashier.

"Thank you! That means a lot!" I giggle. "I think it would be hard to go without a phone or television for that long though. All I'd be able to do to entertain myself would be cook or play pool or something."

"Are you a good cook?" He asked. I didn't think I was bad but I was also on the pickier side. Then I remembered Brady and his friends talking about my cookies and I frowned.

"I don't think so." I mumbled and unlocked my car.

"You'll have to cook for me sometime. I'll be the judge of it. I bet it's great."

Odd One Out | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now