Chapter 1: Destiny's Dilemma

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January 21, Sunday
Dalahican, Cavite City
6:32 a.m.

Kjin sat cross-legged on the rough floor of his tiny room, bringing a sense of ruggedness beneath him. The fresh, crisp, and invigorating scent of morning dew mingled with the salty breeze wafting in from the nearby sea.

The faint sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soft, swishing sound as it retreated back into the vast expanse of the ocean.

The morning sun's rays streamed through the small window, casting a warm glow on his cluttered bed. With his old twin-size bed serving as a makeshift table, he was fully immersed in his writing.

"Have you ever found yourself lost in a darkness so profound that even your own reflection fades away? A desolate realm where every plea for assistance dissipates into the void?" Kjin's voice pierced the heavy silence with introspection.

Worn-out notebooks surrounded him, filled with scribbles and ideas that showcased his dedication and countless hours spent honing his craft.

As the weight of his words hung in the air, Kjin paused, allowing the gravity of his thoughts to settle. "I have. Amidst that impenetrable darkness, I faced two choices: surrender to its grasp or summon the depths of my own resilience. There existed no other pillar of reliance. I chose to embrace the unwavering belief in my own fortitude."

The air was thick with the scent of ink and paper, a testament to his passion. Soft music played from his old modeled phone, its melodic tunes fueling his creativity.

As he scribbled furiously, Kjin's mind raced with characters and plotlines, each word bringing him closer to his dream of becoming a published author.

With determination etched on his face, Kjin reached for a worn notebook and a well-used pen, with a sense of purpose.

It was time to translate his thoughts into words, to weave his experiences into a narrative that blended reality and fiction.

"Though my faith in those around me remains unshaken, a flicker of hope persists, yearning for the emergence of a guiding light to navigate me out of the shadows."

As his voice carried a hint of optimism, he continued his narrative, combining his own experiences with fictional prose. The room seemed to come alive with the energy of his words, the air crackling with the potential of his storytelling.

As the ink flowed onto the pages, Kjin's determination grew stronger. He knew that his journey wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face the challenges head-on. The room around him seemed to fade away, replaced by the worlds he created with his words.


You might think Kjin is just being overly dramatic, right? But no, that's actually what he is writing in his current story with the title A Small Brown Box Called Home.

The plot revolves around an eight-year-old girl who lives in a cart with a cardboard box as a shelter with her blind grandma.

The young girl works as a parking attendant in a fast-food restaurant while studying to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor and eventually curing her grandmother.

You're probably curious about who he is. Allow me to introduce him. His name is Colt Kjin Caswell, a 24-year-old aspiring novelist hailing from Dalahican, Cavite City. He has a calm and cool demeanor, often wearing a light smile.

He has dark brown eyes that add depth to his gaze. His hair is black and styled in an anime-inspired fashion, which adds to his unique and artistic persona.

Kjin, as early as 2 years old, developed a fondness for creating stories, inspired by the things he watched online, especially Final Realm (Fantasy World), a classic console game.

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