Chapter 14: Nervous Anticipation

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In the evening, Kjin diligently worked on his tasks at Silver Mall Rosario. As he glanced around, his eyes landed on Clea, his friendly cashier, taking a break nearby.

Intrigued by the idea of finding another part-time job, he decided to seize the opportunity and strike up a conversation.

With a warm smile, Kjin approached Clea. "Yoh, Clea," he greeted cheerfully. "I've been thinking about getting another part-time job. Do you happen to know any companies that are hiring?"

Clea paused for a moment, her brows furrowing as she pondered. Suddenly, her face lit up with excitement. "Actually, Kjin, there's a company called SteelCore that might interest you," she replied. "They're known for their gaming rig manufacturing and software development. I've heard they have part-time positions available too."

Kjin's curiosity piqued, his voice betraying his growing interest. Leaning forward, he asked, "Really? That sounds like something I'd enjoy. Do you have any more details about them?"

Clea nodded enthusiastically, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Oh, definitely! I have a friend who used to work there, and she absolutely loved it," she shared. "She told me that the work environment was fantastic, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and innovation. And let me tell you, the company is renowned for its cutting-edge technology."

A spark of excitement ignited in Kjin's eyes as he absorbed Clea's words. "That sounds perfect! Do you happen to know how I can apply or where I can find more information?"

Without hesitation, Clea reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. "I can look it up for you right now," she offered, her fingers swiftly navigating the screen. In a matter of seconds, she found SteelCore's official website and displayed it to Kjin. "Here it is," she said, presenting the website. "You can check out their careers page for any job openings or contact information."

Grateful for Clea's assistance, Kjin expressed his appreciation. "Thank you so much, Clea. I really appreciate it. I'll definitely check out their website and see if there's a part-time position that suits me."

Clea beamed, her kindness radiating. "No problem at all, Kjin. I truly hope it works out for you. Let me know if you need any more help or if you have any other questions."

Feeling a surge of determination, Kjin clenched his fists. "I'm going to give it a try," he declared, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. He now had a potential lead to explore, and he couldn't wait to delve deeper into the opportunities that awaited him at SteelCore.

Meanwhile, after completing her work at Aerish Manga Studio, Quila eagerly began her third part-time job at Silver Mall Rosario.

As she settled into her new workplace, she saw it as the perfect opportunity to strike up conversations with her co-workers, hoping to gather more information about SteelCore.

During her break time, Quila approached her colleague, Daphne, who had been working at the mall for quite some time. With a curious glint in her eyes, Quila initiated the conversation. "Hey, Daphne, have you heard anything about SteelCore?" she inquired.

Daphne paused for a moment, her brows furrowing as she recalled the information she had heard. "Hmm, I think I've heard a few things about them," she replied thoughtfully. "They're a big company known for manufacturing gaming rigs and developing software. I've heard they have some really cool projects going on."

A wave of excitement washed over Quila as she absorbed Daphne's words. "That sounds amazing! Do you happen to know anyone who has worked there before?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Daphne nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "Actually, my cousin used to work there as a software developer," she revealed. "He always spoke highly of his experience and mentioned that the company had a fantastic work culture. They value innovation and creativity."

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