Talls x Female Reader (Smut) PT 1

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(This one is requested by L1ch_B1ngus so your welcome! 😁😁😁)

A woman named y/n has spent minutes running away from the klowns and their parade, y/n suddenly found a good place to hide so she went in a very dark alley and hid behind the trashcan, but then a klown with neon green and yellow curly hair named Talls have seen her running in the alley. And he starts to walk toward there, as y/n was still hiding behind the trashcan, then she suddenly hears someone walking in the alley and she looked to see who it was.

And what she saw, scared her a little but she starts to blush a bit, but Talls wanted to look for her cuz he thought that she was really cute and wanted to talk to her, and he starts to look around and he finally saw her behind the trashcan. Then she went back to hiding where she was, then Talls have found her and she gasped and covered her mouth as she blushed as a tall klown was just standing there beside her, "well hello there pretty lady!" Said Talls as he starts smiling down at her.

"Oh, hello!" She starts to wave at him in a really shy way, then Talls started to get down on one knee and he suddenly grabbed her hand and starts to kiss it, y/n started to blush hard, "how come a cute little human like you doing out here!~" Talls complimented as he smirks at her, this made her blush even more and out of nowhere y/n went up to Talls and started to kiss him, Talls started blushing and he suddenly kissed her back.

"What's your name darling?" Talls asked as he stopped kissing her for a second, "I'm y/n!" She said as she looked at his face, "the name's Talls, you have a cute name!" He then starts to kiss her again, and he picked her up then pins her back against the brick wall while he was carrying her. And he starts to trail his hand under her shirt to her breast and starts to squeeze it and she starts moaning softly, Talls has started to kiss and suck on her neck to leave hickey marks, she moaned some more as she starts gripping his hair.

Then he puts his hand under her pants and underwear then he starts to feel her wet pussy, then he shoved one finger inside of her and starts to thrust slowly, "mmmh!~, oh my god!~" y/n moaned as he shoved another finger inside and she went crazy over this and he went faster and faster, "hahhhh!~, don't stop please!~" she said as she tries not be be loud for the other klowns to hear, and after a few minutes she starts to cum on both of his fingers then he pulled them out and starts licking them off.

"You taste wonderful darling!~" Talls said as he kissed her cheek and y/n started giggling, then he suddenly heard one of the klowns started to call his name, "Talls! Where are you?!" A klown named Joe was calling him, "hey, I better go help with others right now, but we'll continue this later baby!~" said Talls as he kissed y/n again, "alright, I'll see you later then!" Said y/n as she kissed him again right before he left her in the alley, then he starts to walk out of there and she started to walk out of the alley without any klowns seeing her and she ran straight home, and when she got home she locked all the doors and all she could think about was that klown Talls.

Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, but there will be a part 2 of this one! 😁😏
If anyone wants a request just let me know, and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! 😊💞

Killer Klowns x Reader Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now