Rosebud x Female Reader (Smut)

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(Requested by AngelBlitzUwU, I'm very happy to do your guy's requests!, And you're very welcome to ask me to do so!!! 😊❤️💕)

On a late friday night, a young woman named y/n was just minding her own business just going on a midnight walk, then she suddenly saw a really beautiful female klown with red hair ahead of her, and she immediately blushes when she took one look at her face. Then the female klown named Rosebud looked at the beautiful human woman and she blushes as well when she looked at her pretty face.

And y/n wanted to say something to her so she waved to her, "hey, you look really pretty!" She complimented as the klown waved to her too, "hi, you look pretty too doll!" Rosebud said as she blushes more. "I see that you're on a midnight walk too huh?" Said y/n and Rosebud looked at her, "yeah pretty much haha, I'm Rosebud!" Said Rosebud as she greeted her, "I'm y/n, it's really nice to meet you, wanna walk with me?" She offered Rosebud to go with her.

"Sure, I'll walk with you!" Rosebud agreed and then they both started to walk down the street, they've been talking/flirting for a while then y/n starts to hold her hand and Rosebud did the same, and they both decided to go to y/n's house to hangout for the rest of the night, once y/n has opened the door to her house and Rosebud was amazed by the beautiful decor. "Wow, you got really cool stuff boo!" Said Rosebud as she smiles (she actually says: 😊) then y/n blushes by the pet name, "thank you hunny bunny!"

Said y/n as Rosebud blushed and giggled then walked up to her and kissed her cheek, "I love that pet name!~" Rosebud said as y/n started to kiss her lips and Rosebud suddenly started to slip her tongue in her mouth and they madeout for 2 minutes, and they've let go of the kiss to catch their breath, "I think we should take this to my room!~" y/n said as Rosebud nodded and then the two went up to her room then she shut her door and locked it, and they both went on the bed and making out again.

While making out, Rosebud started to touch and feel y/n's body then y/n took off her shirt and pants, then Rosebud took off her suit and she starts to take off Rosebud's bra, then she removes y/n's bra and they're breasts were exposed. And Rosebud felt more turned on by the sight of her, and she went on top of y/n and started to feel and squeeze one of her boobs while kissing her, y/n started to moan then she suddenly trailed her hand in Rosebud's underwear and starts to rub her clit.

"Mmh-ahh!~" Rosebud moaned as she starts to trail her hand in y/n's underwear and does the same thing to her, then they both started to moan really loudly as they went faster, than they both stopped and took off their underwear and kept going, and then they suddenly started to squirt all over each other's pussies. And Rosebud starts to kiss her as they're catching their breath, then y/n got up from the bed and she was digging through her little box of her stuff, and she found a huge double ended dildo that she had and Rosebud starts blushing, and y/n went to go wash it quick.

Then she came back with it and she went on the bed with her, then y/n slowly started to shove the dildo in her pussy and Rosebud starts to shove it in as well, and they both started to move closer to each other and starts to thrust in and out, "ohhh fuck!~, oh my god yessss!~" Rosebud moaned out as they both went faster and they both began to rub their clits as they were thrusting, "oh shit!~, R-Rosebud!~" y/n shouted as Rosebud moved a more faster than her.

"OH FUCK RIGHT THERE!~" y/n screamed as Rosebud hit her g-spot, and they both kept thrusting hard and fast, then Rosebud went on top of her and she starts thrusting as y/n was gripping her pillows. "OH HOLY FUCKING SHIT!~" y/n shouted as Rosebud's thrusting was getting really sloppy, but she went as fast as she could. "Y/N BABY!~, I'M GONNA CUM!~" Rosebud shouted as she held y/n's hands, "ME TOO HONEY!~" y/n yelled as she starts cumming on the dildo and Rosebud starts to cum on the fake dick, then they both pulled the dildo out of their cum dripping pussies, and she laid down next to y/n as the two were breathing heavily.

Then Rosebud looks at y/n and puts her hand on her cheek, and y/n moved closer to her chest and she starts to cuddle with her, and Rosebud cuddles her back and sighs, "you were amazing booboo!" Said Rosebud as she starts playing with her hair, "you were amazing too babee!" Said y/n as she grabbed a blanket to cover them both, and they felt really tired and cuddled up more, "hey y/n?" Rosebud looked at her beautiful face, "yes Rosebud?" She said as she put her hand on Rosebud's face, "I love you" Rosebud admitted as she kissed her cheek, "I love you too" Said y/n as she kissed her lips as they start to hold onto each other as they both fell asleep in their arms.

Author's Note:
Okay, that was the first time I've ever wrote a lesbian smut!😅 idk if I did well but I think it was pretty good, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, have a good day!!! 🥰💕❤️

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