Jumbo x Female Klown Reader (Smut)

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(This chapter is requested by oddartist23, if you guys want to request a male, female or trans human or klown just let me know and I'll do it for future chapters!!! 😁💖💕)

It was just 1 mouth before the invasion and the klowns were pretty excited about it, and y/n was excited too but she couldn't stop thinking about her crush Jumbo, she's been friends with him for a really long time, and she really wants to tell him how she feels about him. And she was a bit nervous about it, so she went to go find Jumbo to have a talk with him and when she found him, he was talking to his friend Spikey and she waited for them to finish.

When they were done talking, Spikey has left and y/n went up to Jumbo and asked if they could talk about something in private, and he nodded and they went to Jumbo's bedroom to talk so he shut his door then he went to sit down on his bed but y/n was standing in front of him, "so what do you want to talk about y/n?" Jumbo said as he looked at her and noticed that she was blushing a bit, "well um... I just really wanna say that... I really like like you!" Said y/n as Jumbo started blushing, "really? Well, I like you too, but I've been thinking about telling you for a while but I didn't think you'd like me back!" Jumbo admitted.

"What?!, since when!" Said y/n as she was really surprised, "well, honestly since the day we met, you're really beautiful, kind and your very smart! And I personally think that you're really hot too!" Jumbo said as y/n started to blush by the compliments that he was giving her, y/n thanked him and Jumbo suddenly started to get close to y/n who was really nervous as hell, and he went to kiss her lips and she kissed back, and she starts to land on top of him on the bed she blushes hard.

Then she felt something hard poking her pussy and y/n gasped and looks at Jumbo blushing, and he suddenly gets up to lock his door and came back to the bed and he went on top of her. Then he started to kiss her passionately and then he starts to kiss her neck and she moans a bit, then he starts to remove y/n's suit and he became more hungry for her by looking at her beautiful half naked body, then he takes off her thong and sees her wet pussy, "oh you're so wet!~" said Jumbo as y/n sat up then started to unclip her bra and took it off.

And her breast were exposed along with her hard nipples, then Jumbo started to take off his suit too then he went down to y/n's pussy and he starts to lick and suck her clit and he starts to finger her at the same time, "hah-mmah!~" y/n started to moan as she was gripping her own breasts as he was eating her out, Jumbo began to thrust his fingers really fast, "oh fuck Jumbo!~" y/n groans as she was gripping his hair.

Then Jumbo went faster as y/n started to spread her legs more apart, "AHH-HAAH JUMBO!~" y/n had a hard orgasm as she starts to cum on his fingers and he pulled them out, "goddamn, you taste wonderful baby!~" Jumbo said as he licked his fingers clean, then he starts to take off his boxers and he had a really huge cock, y/n was flustered by the size and she suddenly went on top of him pinning him down on the bed, "oh Jumbo, I fucking need it now!~, I want you to fuck me hard right now!!!~"

She said aggressively as Jumbo grabbed her wrists and held them above her head as he pinned her down, "oh you just got your wish!~" said Jumbo as he starts to tease her entrance with his big dick, then he slammed right inside of her pussy making her scream really loud. "AHHHHH, OH SHIT JUMBO!~" she screamed as he pinned her legs down while fucking her deep and hard, he then went down to her and he starts kissing her as he was thrusting.

"Hah!~, you're getting tight baby!" Jumbo groans as y/n was wrapping her arms around his neck, "OH FUCK I LOVE YOU!~" y/n said as she kissed him, "I LOVE YOU TOO BABYGIRL!~" moaned Jumbo as he begins to kiss her back, and he went to her neck and he starts to nibble and kiss it, leaving marks and he starts to feel his dick twitching and he starts fucking her in full speed as y/n started to feel something as well. "JUMBO, I'M GONNA CUM BABY!~" said y/n as she was breathing heavily, "I'M GONNA CUM TOO!!!~" Jumbo said as he thrusted one more time and they both started cumming together and he flopped on the bed next to y/n.

They where laying on the bed while catching their breath and they both look at each other and smiled, "wow, you were amazing y/n!" Jumbo complimented y/n as he covered her up with his blanket and he covered up as well, "you were amazing too! I never knew that you were really good at this!" Said y/n as Jumbo blushed and kissed her cheek and he starts to cuddle with her, and she suddenly feel asleep in his arms, and he starts to kiss her forehead and he stayed up all night stareing at his beautiful klown sleeping in his arms and smiled.

Author's Note:
Another chapter done with!!! 😁😁😁 I was gonna publish this yesterday, but I was busy with stuff, and I decided to finish this chapter, and I hope you enjoy your weekend! 😄😊❤️💕

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