Female Jumbo x Female Klown Reader (Smut)

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(Okay, this was requested by an anonymous user, so this is my second attempt to write another lesbian chapter, I hope this is good too, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And the picture that I'm using for this chapter is not my edit but it's my friends, this pic was made by: AngelBlitzUwU)

Jumbo and y/n had been friends for over a year and they both met when they were both doing tasks in the circus tent spaceship, they really enjoyed working together and loved to talk to each other a lot, but y/n started to develop romantic feelings for her. She wants to tell her so bad but at the same time she doesn't, cuz she doesn't want to lose Jumbo and ruin their friendship or scare her off, she didn't really know if she was into women or not.

So one day she was ready to go tell Jumbo about how she felt about her, so she went to go look for her, so she went to go knock on her door and nobody answered, so she knocked on the door again and after 3 minutes later jumbo finally opened the door. "Oh h-hey y/n what's up?" Said Jumbo as she was breathing heavily, blushing and her hair was a bit messy, and y/n kinda noticed this, "is it alright if we could talk? It's kinda important, if you don't mind!" Said y/n as Jumbo was fixing her hair a bit, "sure I don't mind at all, come on in!"

Jumbo said as y/n walked in her room and they both sat down on the bed, then y/n took a deep breath and said: "hey Jumbo, I just don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable in any type of way, but I'm gonna say this anyway.... I really really like you!" This made Jumbo blush more when she said that. "Really? Well..... I actually like you too, but I always thought that you wanted to be friends!" Said Jumbo as she was very surprised that y/n liked her too, "wow haha, I really wasn't expecting that at all!" She said while blushing as she looked at Jumbo's beautiful diamond blue eyes.

So they both had been chatting for about an hour and Jumbo suddenly started to feel wet, so she began to put her hand on y/n's thigh and started rubbing it, y/n started to feel her heart beating fast and was blushing. And out of nowhere she suddenly kissed Jumbo and she kissed her back, y/n began to slip her tongue in Jumbo's mouth making her jump to surprise. They both start to moan softly into the kiss, after a few minutes later of making out they both stopped to catch their breath, "oh my god, you're so fucking amazing!~" y/n complimented as they both started to take off their suits.

Then y/n pinned her on the bed and they both started to makeout again, then she starts to remove Jumbo's beautiful purple lace thong, with her already wet pussy was revealed, "damn baby, you're wet as hell!~" y/n said as she bends down to her pussy and she starts to lick and suck on her clit. Jumbo started to moan as she felt y/n's tongue just licking her, "oh fuck y/n!~" she moaned as y/n started to shove two fingers inside her and she begins thrusting them in her.

"Shit, please don't fucking stop!~" Jumbo groans a bit louder as y/n started to go fast, "OH MY FUCKING GOD, FUUUCK YESSSS!!!~" Jumbo screamed as she starts cumming on y/n's fingers and pulled them out and licked the cum off. Then Jumbo started to pin y/n to the bed now, and she begins to take off y/n's black lace thong off, then Jumbo got on top of her and she put her pussy on her's, and started to ride and grind on her pussy. (Okay tbh I really don't know how to explain lesbian sex positions but... they're just scissoring at this point!😳) then they both started to moan like crazy when their clits were rubbing against each other.

Then Jumbo grabbed and held onto y/n's left leg and started to go fast as they both started breathing heavily and moaning, "OH FUCK J-JUMBO!!!~" y/n screamed as she starts gripping on Jumbo's boobs and squeezing them wich made her yelp and went faster, until they both have reached their peak, "AHHH JUMBO!!!~" "HAHH-AHHH OH SHIT Y/N!!!~" they both screamed as Jumbo started to cum on her lover's pussy, and y/n started cumming on Jumbo's pussy and she also cummed all over her bed as she was gripping on the sheets.

When they were done, they both started shaking right after cumming and breathing heavily, then Jumbo laid next to her on the bed and she grabbed the blanket to cover them both. Then they both started to cuddle and booping their noses and giggling, "hey, are you okay hun?" Jumbo said as she was holding onto y/n like a stuffed animal, "yeah I'm alright, that was amazing, amazing as you!" She complimented as Jumbo blushed and kissed y/n's lips and she kissed her back.

And they suddenly felt tired and y/n fell asleep burning her face into Jumbo's beautiful chest, then Jumbo kisses her forehead and she starts to fall asleep as well. And 2 hours later they woke up and they both took a shower together, and they started to clean up Jumbo's blankets and sheets, they started to laugh about it, and Jumbo looked at her beautiful face, "hey y/n, I love you!" "oh jumbo, I love you too baby!" They both said to each other and started kissing passionately, and 6 years later they were finally married, and all of the klowns on the ship loved and supported them so much and so did their boss JoJo, and they get to spend the rest of their lives happily married.

Author's Note:
Okay so I had been working on this chapter while I was in the middle of moving, and I was gonna publish this yesterday, but for some reason this chapter got deleted, so I have to write this again! 😒😤
SO anyways, I hope you have a good day! ☺️ ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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