Spikey x Male Reader (Smut)

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(This was requested by an anonymous user, anyways I hope you guys like this chapter! 😘❤️)

A young man named y/n was running to his house as he now knows that everybody in crescent cove was dead and half of the people in town were kidnapped, and once he got inside his house he locked all the doors and windows and he shuts off all the lights and then he went to go hide in his closet. And he suddenly heard his door being broke into, but then the sound stopped and y/n heard nothing else but footsteps, then he peeped through his closet door and he saw a klown with hot pink spiked hair and a green suit with yellow stars on it and he had a yellow tutu like neck ruffle and pink shoes.

The klown's name is Spikey, and he has been looking for y/n and he knows that he is in this house cuz Spikey saw him running in there, and now he's in his bedroom just searching for him, then he starts to look underneath the bed and then he turns his head to the closet door with his glowing green cat eyes, and y/n was a bit terrified but at the same time he was flustered when he looked at Spikey's fat ass (LITTERLY, HE FUCKING GOT CAKE, CALL ME A FREAK FOR THAT SON OF A BITCH IDFC! 🍑👀🤤) and the klown walked toward the closet door to open it and y/n tried to hide more in his closet but it was too late.

Spikey opened the door and he grabbed him and threw him on his bed, then y/n looked up at him as he was blushing, "um h-hey!" Said y/n as he nervously waves at the klown, "well hey there cutie!~, I've been been looking for all over for you!~" Spikey said as he smiled at y/n and stares at his cute flustered face, "what's your name baby?~" said the klown as he started to crawl towards him on the bed, "I'm y/n, what's yours?" Said y/n as he blushes more when the klown came closer to him, "I'm Spikey, but you can call me Spike!~" Said the klown as he starts to touch y/n's face.

"Well, I like Spikey better!~" y/n said as Spikey starts to get closer to his lips and he starts to kiss him passionately then y/n blushes and he suddenly kissed him back. Spikey then slips his tongue in y/n's mouth and 2 minutes later of making out they stopped to catch their breath, "oh, you're such a cute human baby!~" Spikey complimented as he starts to take off y/n's shirt and he got on top of him and the klown starts unbutton his pants and took them off while kissing him again, y/n had his one arm wrapped around Spikey's neck and while the other hand is gripping his hair, suddenly y/n felt something hard poking his dick and he let out a soft little moan.

Spikey looked down and noticed that both of them were hard, and he starts to remove his suit and he bends down to y/n's pelvis and removed his boxers, then the klown starts to suck his cock then he starts to moan a little louder. Spikey was bobbing his head up and down while y/n was gripping his hair, then he suddenly started to cum in his mouth and he swallows, "damn, you cummed that fast?!" Spikey said as he was surprised, "yeah, that usually doesn't happen!" Said y/n as they both started to giggle, and the klown begins to take off his boxers and he had a really huge dick, and he starts to become really flustered by the size of that cock.

"Spikey, how's that gonna fit?!" He said in a nervous tone, "don't worry baby, I'll take care of you!~" the klown said as he bends down to kiss y/n's cheek and he turns him around, he grabbed a pillow and held it against his chest and mouth. Spikey started to spit on y/n's asshole and he starts to lubricate his entrance and he spits on his own dick as well, he slowly started to go in and y/n started to cry in pain as he held onto the pillow that was against him. "Shh-shhhh, it's okay babe it won't hurt for long enough!" Spikey said as he bended down again to kiss his cheek again, and a few minutes later the pain went away and y/n looked at the klown telling him that he's ready.

And just like that he started to thrust into him and he starts to scream and moan really loudly, "oh f-fuck yeah!~" Spikey groans as he starts to slap his ass and he yelps, then he went faster and deeper into him, "OH SPIKEY RIGHT THERE!!!~" Screamed y/n as Spikey kept hitting his rectum and gripping his hips and slapping his ass, "YEAH, YOU FUCKIN LOVE THAT?!~" the klown moaned as he kept thrusting hard inside of y/n, and he starts to cum all over his bed, "OH YESSSS!!!~" y/n said as he grabbed his pillow tight, and Spikey thrusted a few more times as he starts to cum inside of y/n then starts to moan really loud and he bit his shoulder wich made y/n let out a loud yelp, when he pulled out a little bit of cum started to leak out.

And the klown laid down and cuddled up next to him for 20 minutes and he got up and started getting dressed and he also helped y/n get dressed as well, after they were both done Spikey picked up y/n in his arms and he held on to him, then the klown started walking to the circus tent spaceship with the human male in his arms, and the other klowns looked at him with y/n with him but the others didn't care at all.

Once they got there he brought the human male to his bedroom and put him in his bed, and the klown looked down at him and he starts to bend down once again to kiss his lips and his cheek and he started to fall asleep, "don't worry, I'll make sure that nobody takes you away from me, there's something special about you that I really don't know how to explain it!" Said Spikey as he put his hand on y/n's cheek, "I love you!" The klown said as he blushes and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him, looking at him and smiling at him and never left his side for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:
Okay so the pic I used for this smut, I found it on facebook a few days ago and I JUST WANNA PULL HIS FUCKING HAIR AND HAVE HIM CALL ME A BITCH AFTER!!!😩🙏❤️ So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a great day! 💕🤡❤️😊💕

Killer Klowns x Reader Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now