Talls x Female Pregnant Reader (Smut) PT3

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(Requested by L1ch_B1ngus, I'm going to be updating my other stories or releasing more, but Idk if I have any good ideas tbh, but I'll try! 😁🙏❤️)

It has been 9 months since Talls had been together with y/n, and she's been feeling uncomfortable with the pain in her body, her organs in different places (especially during pregnancy idk how to explain it tbh...😐) even with the baby inside of her, "ugh, I can't wait him to come out!" Said y/n as she went up to her klown and hugged him, Talls hugged her back and he bends down to her stomach and starts to kiss her belly, "I really want to meet you my son!" Talls said as he stood back up and kissed his human lover, "I'm 9 months now, so he will be out soon!" Said y/n as she starts to cuddle up with him. "Oh, I know a way to make it happen sooner!~" Talls said as he picked her up and gentley puts her on the bed.

"Babe, what are you doing?" She said as Talls looked up at her, "we haven't done this in a while, I need you now!~" he growled as y/n let him go on top of her. He starts to take off y/n's leggings and panties and she was really wet and he licked his lips of hunger and lust, so he turns her around and pulled down his suit and Talls's dick was already hard, then he went into her pussy and he starts thrusting in a slow pace wich made y/n hissed as she was a bit in pain. "Hey, are you okay babes?" Talls said in a calm tone as he looked at her beautiful face, "I'm okay baby, it's been awhile!" Said y/n as she starts to move back and forth signing that she wanted him to fuck her.

And Talls started to go fast but not too fast, he starts to fuck his lover going a bit faster as he was gripping her hips, "hahh-ahhh!~" y/n moans softly, "oh fuck, say my name baby!~" said Talls as he starts to smack her ass, "ahhh, Talls please fuck me!~" she groans quietly as Talls did exactly what he was told and caused her to scream louder than ever. Their bedroom was filled with skin slapping and moaning from the two, Talls started to moan louder than he pulled his dick out of y/n and he starts to cum all over their bed, and suddenly y/n made a really huge liquid like water mess in their bed.

"OH SHIT TALLS!" Shouted y/n as she knew it was her water that broke, "OH MY GOD?!, STAY HERE I'M GONNA GET BIBBO!" Said Talls as he put his suit back up and he starts running out of their room and he found Bibbo in the storage area, then Bibbo turns to Talls, "HEY BIBBO, Y/N'S WATER JUST BROKE!!!" He said as Bibbo ran towards him and they both ran back to Talls bedroom and Talls picked up his lover and went to this health clinic in the klown's circus tent spaceship. The room was all white and Rudy, Bibbo and Shorty helped with the delivery and y/n started going into labor 6 hours later, Talls was on her right and Bibbo was on her left, Shorty and Rudy did the delivery, then y/n started pushing and it was really difficult for her to do cuz of the pain.

"Oh no, I can't do this I can't!" She cried as Talls started holding her hand to have her squeeze it, "it'll be okay if you don't do this, you and our son will die! I know you can do it!" Said Talls as he kissed his lover's cheek and y/n did exactly what she was told to do, of course she wants to be there for her lover and her son. Then she begins to push more and taking deep breaths, "okay, one last push y/n!, 3 2 1!" Shorty said as y/n took a deep breath and she pushed one last time, "AHHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and after 2 seconds later she heard her son's voice for the first time and y/n started to cry.

And Shorty picked up the baby and held him for a few seconds and he starts to shead a tear, and he looked at Talls and gave his son to him and he starts crying as well, "oh y/n, look what we made!" He said with tears in his eyes and handed him to his lover. "Hello son, oh you're so handsome!" As soon as she said that, the baby klown started to sneeze in a really cute way, y/n and the other klowns in the room giggled then he starts to yawn and cuddle up with his mother purring. The parents were in awe when they heard their son purr, "well, what's his name gonna be?" Rudy asked Talls, "well we've been about naming him c/n!" (child's name)

Said Talls and y/n looked at him smiling, "I love it baby!" Said y/n as she begins to cry more than he bends down to his lover and starts to kiss her lips and they both looked at their son. Then Rudy looked at Shorty, "hey Shorty, can I ask you something?" Rudy said as Shorty looked up at him, "yeah, sure!" Said Shorty as he starts smiling at his bestie, "why did you cry when you were holding y/n's child?" When Rudy asked that, Shorty got emotional again.

"Well, I always wanted to be a good father someday, but I doubt it will never happen!" Shorty cried as Rudy bend down to his best friend and gave him a really big hug, "hey, don't say that! Of course you'll be a good dad, you're really good with the baby klowns and you're really protective, brave and a badass!" Rudy said to his friend and Shorty hugged him back, "thank you so much Rudy!" Shorty cries as he has a bright adorable smile on his face.

Author's Note:
Another chapter done with! 😁😁😁
I'm planning on making a Facebook group for klown artists and I'll let you guys know when it's done and you can join in! 😊❤️
Have a really nice day everybody! 😘❤️💕

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