Rudy x Female Klown Reader (Smut)

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(this is requested by oddartist23, sorry about the last few chapters being shitty but I'll try to work on it, I hope you guys enjoy this Rudy chapter! 😊❤️)

Rudy was working on the popcorn computer thing (idk how to explain it but I'll feel like a dumb ass if I do! 🤣🤣🤣🤣) and he was almost finished with his shift, and this female klown that he really liked waved at Rudy as she walked passed him, y/n was the female klown's name then he began to smile and sigh then he starts to think about her beautiful h/c hair (hair color) , e/c eyes (eye color) and her beautiful unique body, Rudy couldn't stop thinking about her but he did finish his job and he went to go to his bedroom. (Okay, in the circus tent spaceship, each klown has their own bedroom area, I'm just putting that out there just in case if you get a bit confused, anyways back to the story!😁)

After Rudy has shut the door, he went to lay in his bed and started to read a book, after an hour later he got bored of reading and he started to think about the beautiful klown y/n again. Then he starts to blush at the same time, then he started thinking about something really dirty wich made him blush hard, he thought about doing extremely sexual things to her, then he started to get hard and he unziped his suit with his hard dick now out, he starts to stroke his cock and he begins to moan softly and saying her name, "oh fuck y/n!~" said Rudy as he quietly moaned out then he starts to go faster then he starts to moan louder and breathing heavily.

Then Rudy's door interruptly opened wich made him jump to surprise, it was y/n the klown that he really liked and she blushes by what she saw and Rudy quickly covers his dick and she looked away blushing hard, "oh Rudy, I'm so sorry I should've knocked" y/n said as she was still standing there looking away, "oh shit!" Said Rudy a he zipped his suit back up, and y/n was about to walk out but Rudy stopped her before she could go anywhere, "wait, don't leave!" Rudy said as he was holding her hand and making y/n blush.

Then he suddenly kissed y/n's lips and she kissed him back cuz she now knows that Rudy was thinking about her, then Rudy closed his door and this time he locked it, and he layed back down on the bed and y/n was on top of Rudy, then they started to make out and y/n was slipping her tongue inside his mouth. This made him even more horny then he starts gripping her ass cheeks, she let out some soft moans escaping her mouth. They both started to take off their suits and y/n got on top of him again and they both started grinding, then Rudy suddenly pinned her on the bed and starts making out with her again, he takes off her bra and he starts to kiss and suck on her tits.

"Hah- Rudy!~" y/n groans as Rudy trailed his hand to take off her panties as well, then he starts to rub on her clit and this made her feel more wet then ever and he starts to shove his fingers in her pussy, "mahh-oh Rudy!" She moaned as she bit her bottom lip, and he went a bit faster and deeper making her scream louder, "AHHH, OHH FUCK RUDYYYY!~" she screamed as she starts cumming on his fingers, and Rudy took them out and starts licking the cum off his fingers. "You taste like magic baby, but we're not done yet!~" Rudy said as he starts to remove his boxers then his long and thick cock was revealed and y/n couldn't stop staring at his huge dick.

And Rudy pinned y/n down again, "oh Rudy!~, I want you to destroy me!~" said y/n as he starts to slip his dick inside of her, and he started thrusting hard inside her all wet pussy and suddenly y/n wanted to be on top of him, so she pinned him on the bed and started to ride his cock. "Holy fuck y/n, you're so fucking hot!~" said Rudy as he starts thrusting hard while gripping her hips tightly and she had her hands on his chest, "oh fuck Rudy, you're so big!~" said y/n as Rudy suddenly went really deep into her and hit her g-spot, "OH SHIT, RIGHT FUCKING THERE!~" she screamed as she bends down and held onto Rudy really tight and he went even more faster and he kept hitting her g-spot until she starts cumming on his dick.

Rudy kept fucking her hard and deep for about 5 minutes then he thrusted one more time and he starts to cum inside of her, he let out a loud moan and held on to y/n then she rolled off of him, and the both of them were breathing heavy and they looked at each other and kissed, they started to cuddle in bed for a while until they both feel asleep, and 3 hours later Rudy woke up with y/n in his arms and she slowly started to wake up as well.

"Hey there sleepy!" Rudy said as he kissed y/n on her cheek, "hey Rudyyyy!" Said y/n as she was half awake, "want me to take you back to your room?" Asked Rudy as she shook her head, "no not right now, I'm good here!" She said as Rudy blushed and smiled to hear her say that, "are you sure?" He said looking at her, "yeah, I'm okay!" She replied to him in a sleepy tone, and they both cuddled up again and went back to sleep all through the night.

Author's Note:
Another chapter request done whoop whoop! ☺️👏 This took me a while to write, but I got really fucking tired! 😩😖 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you have a wonderful day! ☺️❤️

Killer Klowns x Reader Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now