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robin shifted, her coat was damp and clinging to her skin. spring was the worst. she passed a quick glance to steve, who was fiddling mindlessly with his jacket sleeve.

robin pressed her spine against the brick wall, the eave just barely covering her body from the downpour.

"you look distracted." steve remarked, "and you aren't rambling. usually you'd be bitching about this weather."

"um, i look distracted? you look dumb. piss off." she retorted, the words slid off her tongue in a sour manner. whoops. not what she intended.

steves gaze softened, "are you okay?"

robin glared, "yes, dingus. you said it yourself, i'd be on a tangent if i wasn't okay."

he nodded, inching closer to robin before wrapping his arm around her shoulders whilst they waited for the bus. platonically. a platonic hold. steve knew robin was queer. and nothing will ever change their relationship. nobody made robin feel secure and wanted like steve.
she sunk into his hug with a subtle sigh.

in actuality, robin was hurt. but, she wouldn't dare admit her feelings were hurt by a priss. a bitch. a popular girl.

the bus screeched to a halt at their stop, both robin and steve perked up, eager to get to a dry spot. robin let steve board first, like the gentleman steve is, he pushed passed her anyways. she spat a curse at him, finding a place on the back of the bus to seat herself.

eventually, after a painful 10 minutes of listening to steve chatter about his new crush -- whom she had not caught the name of, he only described this individual as a little less popular with black hair. -- and the rain patter against the bus, they arrived at school. hawkins high. how grand. robin shuffled past steve as she got off at her stop. steve would be dropped off into town by the busses.

robin briefly scanned the crowd as she squeezed into the school. robin consistently missed the traditional school busses due to her not being so much of a morning person, causing her to be a little bit late every few days. she was searching for the clock but her gaze was captured;

nancy wheeler was casually strolling with johnathan byers. johnathan was a good friend of robins last summer but since the school year started he behaved like he barely knew her.

her eyes continued to the targetted place she had initally been after. yep. the clock read that robin was very much late.

robin decided she should probably get a move on.  her class was across campus. awkwardly staring at each student she sort of recognized wasn't ideal if she wanted to fit in, as she headed towards her first period class she accidentally ended up catching the gaze of nancy as she passed by. the anger in her eyes just about burnt a hole in robin.


robin bounced her leg, chewing on the edge of the pencil as she studied the assignment.

english is one of her favorite subjects but writing essays was not her strongsuit.

she ceased chewing on her pencil, deciding that was a touch too inappropriate to be doing in school. as an alternative, she fidgeted with her rings. everyday, robin carefully adorned her fingers in jewelry. each ring held special significance to her. she focused on a silver band on her index finger with a small snake design. dustin had gifted it to her one day whilst she was working at scoops ahoy. before the tragedy. she had sat patiently while the boy explained how it related to his dungeons and dragons character.

lost in thought, robin barely noticed the bell ringing. haphazardly, she gathered all of her belongings. returning to her locker quickly to find her backpack.

"ugh... i dont want to go to work." steve complained as he pulled up to the school. robin slid into his truck.

"i dont think family video is very eventful. even with you, steve. so it shouldnt be too much work." robin assured him, looking forward to their first shift.

"dude, the chicks will totally be flocking when they see me there." he spoke whilst he ruffled robins hair, keeping one palm steady on the wheel.

"no... i dont think so. maybe when they notice me on shift, though." she laughed alongside her ridiculous statement. steve laughed with her, but a touch of sympathy had gathered in his eyes.

"no-nuhuh, my baby will draw in all the ladies." he patted the dashboard; a hawaiian bobblehead shaking aggressively, "she always does."

"i didn't know your truck was a she. i also was unaware you referred to it as your baby, and i'm regretting getting a ride with you." robin giggled, pretending to squirm around in the seat as if she was uncomfortable.

they drove off. little did robin know, she was in for a night.

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